Monday, April 18, 2005

Not Your Last Thoughts, Just Some Middle Ones

It's nice of Jodi to to the guestbook and music with you. Would she want to do the music at the ceremony? We need someone to hit "play" and "stop" at the appropriate moments. She wouldn't be farther away than the guests. PS, we need to borrow your ghetto. Is that still what they're called? I haven't used one since the early 90's. Boombox? Portable stereo?

Anyway yes we're registered at the Bay, but there are many things that we didn't think to put on there. We'll go do that as soon as we're done exams. Does Dawna want to know my favourite thing from the registry, or do you mean that she wants to get something else?

You might not hear back from Kirsten right away, they are moving here from Manitoba tomorrow.

Nope, no ivy yet.

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