Monday, April 11, 2005


wow thats a really bad picture of me on there...damn bowl cuts...yes i have not been on here in awhile all apologies, i wont make an excuse up for it because really it is my fault. these invitations sound amazing! im excited to see them, i like that poem, we studied that in english...very complex but quite cute. matt i know what you can say for vows! "i have three, cigarettes...and you!" haha any updates on the honey moon? where your going to stay, how long the trip will be, sure youve already said a hundred times how long your gonna be there but yet again it may have slipped my mind, everything seems to be coming together awesomely...tanya? where the heck are ya? email me asap! incase you didnt know. anywho must read more of what i missed tata

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