Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Wassupp Team Sugar!

  • Wonderful ideas Ang! You're amazing, that website had lots of excellent ideas, you're definately a great help to the team and are accomplishing what some can't even imagine. Thank you!
  • Photographer Picture Ideas - Key ~ I either blogged or e-mailed you a bunch of ideas a few weeks ago.....umm...I mentioned that candid shots are great, matt on 1 knee in front of you(the proposing pose), head shots, group pics (everyone, girls, guys) A sibling pic (you & Jill), walking hand 'n hand (picture taken from behind), fun shots (guys in sunglasses, girls showing some leg) etc.
  • Music - Key- I will send you some ideas I have for music tomorrow.
  • Chairs - Key - I will send you an excel spreadsheet tomorrow with my idea
  • Dave - Can you send me 2 more picture options via e-mail; the one I like so far is the 'piggy back' one but would love other options. Also, Please call Pat Garcia(Matt's mom) she needs to ask you about Matt's stag on May 19th.
  • Food - The menu looks great Matt & Key; glad everything is working out for you both.
  • I will be doing MC at the reception - correct?? Plus, I am doing a speech at the dinner doesn't matter if it's before or after dinner, it all depends on when the others are doing theirs.
  • Bridesmaids - Check your emails, the clock is tick tocking! Tanya - where are you?????
  • Matt & Key - what day do you leave for your honeymoon??
  • Kirsten - Hope your move went well!

Anyways it's a beautiful day, and I'm off work(yes, I'm at work) in about 15 minutes so I will talk to all you crazy kids soon!

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