Saturday, April 09, 2005


Hey Erin, I brought the nametags the other day but forgot to give them to you. PS tonight is games night if you and Roberto want to come by.

Dave, how are the invitations coming? PS go to Ang's blog (link on the left) if you want to read some more rave reviews about your photography.

Not much new to report becuase it's the last week of school and we're scrambling with the hw. Erin and I went to see the flowers and they were terrible! So I asked the lady to change them and she was pissed. Anyway, they look pretty good now. Also I paid the tuition on a class I'm taking this summer; $666. Is that a bad omen? It's expensive, anyway. Matt and I learned a basic Waltz, but we're not so great. Rhumba is next.

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