Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Things to do before i die...

Okay, brace yourselves, but one of the things I have to do before I die is go down in a shark cage!!! (It just go's hand in hand with what I wanted as my dream career - to be a Marine Biologist). I love the ocean and think Sharks are such magnificant animals. Unfortunately I don't even think I will be able to convince Bryce to go scuba diving with me :( one of the other things I want to do is go to either Costa Rica or another third world country and work with some of the orphanages and hospitals...Bryce and I had a chance and were ready to go last year through world vision but then had a big financial blow.... so I was pretty close to crossing that one off my list.

Thank Erin, for the shower invite... I am so excited.... unfortunatly I am scheduled to work all that day until 6pm, but I will try to trade my shift with someone...seeing I didn't get to go to her wedding shower either!!!
I do have the next morning off though, for Birthday Brunch, so if not then I will see you all then.

matt's a superstar!!

Good for you Matt. How was the real poker night with Matt's workbuddies? I wish I was there on Sunday, but I had to work again. I'll see you on Thursday night.

Matt's Kicking Ass...

... he broke us even against some major players on friday, when we were expecting to lose alot of money and consider it a lesson. Then on Sunday he won the month-end tourney and $100 from SW's! Yeah, baby!

Friday, January 27, 2006

25 and 33

I got the shower invite in the mail a couple days ago, thanks for sending me one Erin. It's so pretty! The shower is still a month away but I'm totally excited. I'm looking forward to hearing the aunties' stories about my cousins when they were babies. And all the good food. Mmmmm, potluck. Brunch on the 27th sounds good too! Mmmm, brunch.

I won another poker game on Tuesday and now I get to be in a final tournament March 1 where the prize is a trip to Vegas! Matt still has a chance to qualify and I'm sure he will. Last night was brutal though. Me, Matt and Matt got 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place (twice!) instead of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Okay I guess that doesn't sound too bad, but it totally was. I was bad.

I think it's silly to worry so much about the Conservatives. Even if Harper is pro-life, an anti-abortion law (and such things) would never be passed, no chance, it's not even worth thinking about at all. The Conservatives are just barely in there and they won't be able to change anything drastically anyway. The Liberals are totally f*ed up. If we had elected Liberal again, wouldn't that be just about as stupid as the Americans voting Bush in again? We're smarter than that.

Yay Aerosmith! I never cared for concerts but I had something on my life-list that I crossed off on the honeymoon: to ride a rollercoaster. It was freaky-deaky. Hey I am not a total nerd, I just have only lived in tiny towns and never been anywhere where there was a rollercoaster. Most of my list is places in the world that I want to see. What do you guys have on your lists?

We were a little late telling Dave about the pregnancy, but of course we did, last fall! Maybe we'll take a trip to Van this year and show off our little puddin'pop. I should ask the daddybear before I make promises like that though. Or was that a threat?

Well, we were dumb again and didn't get Melissa's pic off her camera even though she brought it. We took another one though. I look sooooo weird in it and Melissa looks alot smaller than she is because of her angle (she's actually way bigger than me). But we could barely convince one of the Matts to get up and take one picture, let alone two. Maybe next week will be more successful. Anyway here we are at 25 and 33 (!!!!) weeks.

Oooooh Yeah!

Hello Everyone!
I want to start off my blog with very exciting news - I AM GOING TO THE AEROSMITH CONCERT IN APRIL!!!! WOOOHOOOOO!!! Now that I've got that out of my system I'll explain why all the excitement besides the obvious.....Do any of you have that one person or group that you've got to see in concert before you die???? Well Aerosmith is mine! I had tickets about 4 or 5 years ago to see them but for some reason they cancelled due to not be allowed to cross the Canadian border from the USA. So this is why I am excited I am getting a second chance at making one of my life wishes come true. Yippee!
In regards to Key's bday - The more the merrier so it's great that you can make it Sammi!
Key - I don't have the information in front of me so don't quote me but I'm pretty sure I leave around 1:10pm on the 27th so I would have to be at the Vernon Greyhound by 12:45. So maybe brunch would be best?
Key- Sorry I didn't call you on Wednesday that night ended up being a gong-show. I'll try and give you a call next week if that works.....I'm home Monday or Thursday, either of those work or are they both poker nights? How'd you do in your last poker game? Win the big bucks?
Middle Names - Very cute names Melissa however I've been given two different spellings for Christina can you clarify? Thanks Doll! Key go with whatever name you and Matt like - I thought Rose was beautiful as you know when you first told me and I also like the idea of carrying down Jade. Whatever you choose - people will like (they'll have no choice! haha!). Just let me know whenever you've got it figured out.
Key & Matt - Did you guys ever get ahold of Dave and tell him about the pregnancy?
Matt G- How many days no smoking now??
Erin - Did you mail the invites?? Are you ready for the move??
Melissa - Matt told me he got a job congrats! Things are looking up both a house and a job....someone is definitely looking down on you.
The Election - As happy that I am with the party that got voted in my jurisdiction - I agree with Sammi about the whole Conservatives running our country thing. It frustrats me! Did any one see the comments from Rosie O'Donnell about the Canadian Gov't? Overall though - I hope that a minority government doesn't cause us to go back to the polls in 18 months.

Anyways back to work I go....hope everyone is doing well. Talk to you soon!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Ok, I'll make it 3 shower games...

For the shower games, one can be play during the whole shower. Then I'll have 2 actual shower games. If the games go by quickly, I'll have an extra back-up.

Sam - I am available for breaky or lunch on the 27th of Feb for Keira's birthday. Keep me posted on the time and place.

I'm not too impressed about the conservatives winning, but I do believe it was a good idea for Paul Martin to resign. With all the players of the Liberal scandal out of the picture, I believe the Liberals will win in the next election (in a year or two probably).
I liked Paul Martin as a Prime Minister. Martin didn't cave when George Bush applied pressure about Canada supporting the war, and he kept working at getting Canada's debt down. I'm not a liberal voter, but I do agree Martin did a pretty good job as Prime Minister. The scandal came from Chrétien's run as Prime Minister; although, Martin was the Finance Minister at the time.
I just hope Harper doesn't pull a 'Brian Mulroney' by digging Canada into a huge debt hole, or take away a same sex couple's right to marry, or take away a women's right to choose. I am somewhat interested about the fact Harper is from the West, and he plans to focus more on the West then other Prime Ministers. Ok, enough politics talk for me.

Keira and Matt - I'll see you at the poker game on Thursday night unless my work schedule changes. I'll be snowboarding Friday night again if anyone is interested...$ 5.00 fridays at Silver Star!! I want to see if I can snowboard without injuring myself this time. The back of my head still hurts when I brush or wash my hair.

I'll chat with you all later,
- Sammi

Yay, Fresh Big New Blogs

The conservatives won but with a minority government, so there will probably be another election within 2 years again. NDP increased their seats as well so the Liberals kind of got their ass kicked and Paul Martin resigned as leader of the liberal party.

I think you're right Sam, this will be the first time we've ever been together for my birthday! Weird. Let me know what time your bus leaves and we'll make that date. The morning of the 26th probably won't work becuase Melissa and I are going to a preggo event in Kelowna before the shower.

I don't have a theme, unless cute counts! Kaidyn's middle names are Christina Jean (aww), but you'd better take Melissa's word not mine. And Angelina's middle name is not decided (but it's not Jade- but yes AJ is cute). Just becuase people had mean things to say about my favourite name doesn't mean it won't be her name. I'll get back to you ASAP.

I agree that 5 games sounds like it might be too many, unless they're going on at the same time as everything else (like the don't say "baby" game). Presents always take a long time but in this case there are TWO of us opening presents.

This week it will be hard to catch me on the phone since we'll be at poker tonight, Thursday, and Friday. Friday is a big-money game with real players. So yeah I guess that leaves Wednesday!

Erin I saw your house the other day with M&M. Cute! They always take longer than expected to make. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you're in there this Sunday.

It is Melissa who has the pictures of us together, but they are stuck inside her camera. I think that they are coming to town tonight and/or Thursday, so we'll get them onto my computer if us preggos can remember. Actually we will take another one since that pic was weeks ago!

So did the Concervatives win???

good gawd i'm sooo bad with all this voting stuff, it actually makes me feel bad that i know NOTH ING and i mean NOTHING about politics.......i dont even get time to watch the news anymore.....what a life i have!

n e ways thanks Sammi for the games that should be plenty and if u need me to grab any more prizes just let me know.....

Sam - its great to hear from you, cant wait to see ya, hopefully u'll get a chance to see our new place!!!

rob has been working all this past weekend and probably continuing all this week to help his boss get the darn house finished.....there are still some minor things to do, but they seem to be time consuming......they spent like 6 hours yesterday cutting window trim and placing it where it belongs...today they are working all day and probably night doing the rest of hte base boards and doors and closet doors which rob spent all weekend painting......then they need to get the handles put on all the drawers and cupboards, the closets need shelving and a closet rack thingy.....and the appliances have to be put in......oh and the sinks still have to go in....the toilet and shower got hooked up yesterday...so there is still a fair bit of work to be done in order for us to move in on sunday.....yikes..i'm soooo excited!!!

n e ways the shower invitations should be arriving SOON....Keira and Melissa i just sent u two one as well just so u could see what i did, by all means u girls only need to bring urselfs and ur belly's!!!! hahah not like u could leave those behind anyways....:-) but everyone else is taking care of the appy's and all that....oh Key...hope there is no hard feelings bout the whole shower thingy...c.ause i heard thru the grapevine that u and i were FIGHTING about it? well in my eyes it was just a little missunderstanding but we got it all sorted out....hope all is well......

LADIES.....WHERE ARE THE BABY BELLY PICTURES???? key u said u had some of u and melissa together....those would be great to have...and melissa send me some 8 month preggo ones cause i need those too!!!

ok i'm off to starbucks (addicted) and then to start my work week!!!

Chow for Now!


Days Going By So Quickly....

Hello Everyone!
I realized this morning when I was reading my 3 main blogs that time has passed by so quickly - I guess all those times when we were younger and our older family members told us to enjoy the time now cause as we get older time goes by faster was true.....but still, I can't believe January is almost done.
I'm glad to see that Melissa and Key's shower is moving along smoothly it feels weird that for once in my life I have nothing to do with such an exciting event.....I think by doing that my excitement for the whole ordeal is heightened.
My plan as of now is to come up to Kelowna a few days before the shower to spend some time with one of my best friends who recently moved there and also finish my baby shopping - I have started but nothing big as you can only take so much on a Greyhound Bus. My trip up to the great Okanagan will be from February 22 -27.
Key - Not sure what time I am leaving on the 27th but let's do a birthday breakfast or lunch for you that day before I leave. I think this is the first time in our lifes together that I will actually be able to see you on your birthday. What'd you think? Anyone else who lives in Vernon or can get to Vernon up for bday breaky or lunch?
Key & Melissa - I haven't checked the registry yet but are either of you doing themes for your baby room? Also, what is/if you know the exact name of your daughters?? Kaidyn Jean Keough and Angelina Jade Garcia(oooh we could call her AJ for short! so cute!)?? Please let me know....
Erin - Getting excited about moving?? Are you excited?? Has Rob started packing yet?
Sammi - Holy 5 games!! That's insane! They aren't all long games are they? Presents take a long time remember.
Ang & Robyn - Glad to hear things are going well.

Well I think that's it for now....I'll try to blog later on in the week.
(Key-when's a good time to call you at home so we can catch up? Congrats on the poker game!!)

Monday, January 23, 2006

games for the shower...

I have a couple of games ready for the shower, and I also have a couple of prizes for the winners of the games. I have the games taken care of. How many games to you want in total? I was thinking 4 or 5 games for the afternoon.

I will be at the Thursday night (Jan 26) Sir Winnies poker game.

- Sammi


Today is election day; don't forget to vote!

Babies Everywhere!

Hooray, Robin's sister is pregnant! In honour of the new baby I have found Babies Everywhere:
  • Click Here!

  • Thanks Erin for offering to pick stuff up for people, that is super nice. Of course nobody has to buy from the registry, it is just a way to make things easier.

    Roberto, the shower is Feb 26; will you be in Mexico?

    I won poker on Sunday and we'll be trying out another pub tomorrow. Who is coming Tuesday and/or Thursday?

    Ahhh Everything is coming Sooooo fast....

    Hello all....well just a little check up on the girls who were helping me with games and stuff, hows that coming along? i picked up a few decorations yesterday while i was at walmart, so i got napkins, plates and a table cloth! other then that i'll just wait for my RSVP's and go from there

    i'm busy working and packing this week as HOPEFULLY our house will be ready to move into this weekend, if we dont stay there we at least have to get all my stuff there as i have to be outta here on the 31st, so i'll just stay up at robs if its not done.....there are only little things to be done, so we are hopin!!!

    other then that keep in touch.....keep bloggin dammit!!!! hahaha


    Thursday, January 19, 2006


    Well girlies...thanks for doing ur registries, that helps me out a ton, so i was thinking that if its NEEDED and someone needs me to pick up anything purchased at Babies R Us, ill volunteer to pick up anything needed and i'll include that in the registry note........

    Nickelback concert tonight!!! sooo stoked.......but that poker tourny thing sounds great as well!!!

    other then that i'm going to get those invites sent out here pretty quick, so expect that in the mail soon!!

    Thanks Ang and Robyn for wanting to help, i told sammi that she is welcome to help me with games, and u girls can do so as well.......and i'll let u know if i need anything else......ttfn


    Babies and Poker, as Usual

    Melissa and I both registered at Babies-R-Us yesterday. You can see the registries online; of course you shouldn't buy that way becuase then you have to pay shipping. Cousin Matt was super nice to drive us there and be patient while we took 2 hours looking at all the baby stuff. We did send him away though, when he tried to pick out a breast pump for us. Haha!

    Melissa, you should check out your registry online if you haven't already. Mine had stuff added to it (like a $350 crib!!!) and all of the pink stuff showed up as blue or yellow. I fixed it all except it still says I want yellow receiving blankets.

    Looking forward to poker tonight. Sammi, Ang (well, next time) and anyone else who is interested, it is at SW's and we will get there a touch after 5 so we can have $5 appies before the game. M&M are coming too, then back to our place for Earl and The Office. Woohoo!

    Ang, if you're talking about the dark white line along the bottom of the baby, that is her spine. Are you having trouble making her out?

    Babygirl is getting bigger and stronger and you can see my tummy bouncing around a bit when she's active. She likes to hit me in some reeeallly uncomfortable spots, especially when I'm trying to fall asleep or keep my poker face.

    I'm off to buy an iron; ours is busted which leaves Matt shirtless for work. The ladies would like to see him that way I'm sure, but that's not really accountant-like. Congratulations Sugarbear, 17 days smoke-free!

    Tuesday, January 17, 2006

    It's been forever!!

    Hey all,

    I have been here there and everywhere, busy, busy!! Work has picked up with all the highs and lows of the holidays and there are a lot of people coming down with that dreaded Flu too... Make sure you Preggers stay healthy!!! Have had a mystery health scare pop out of no where with myself as well, and well Bryce and I totally know what it is like to do the 3 family shuffle during the holidays. Hope you all had a great New Years... I know Sammy did!! :) Keira- love the ultra sound picture!! What is the big long thing going off to the left? Umbilical cord? Can't wait to meet her! Monica should be having her baby any day now... I think she is due on the 20th. I am up for poker night too, but not this week cause I work both days. Bryce and I went when they first started and it was really fun....except for "that Woman"- you know who I mean!! :)

    Well, keep blogging everyone and just so you know, there is tons of fun things and get togethers being planned on our site so don't be strangers feel free to come to some of them ...Robyn where have you been?? We will be doing $5 Silver Star Fridays coming up here, and Sammi and I are wanting to go skating on the pond up there again one night. Erin, don't know if you still have my email, but you can get it from Keira or Sammi.... let us know if you want to come sometime.

    Monday, January 16, 2006


    ok...so i guess i'll jsut reprint the invites with nothing on them and then just add a seperate piece of paper stating the registries....i'm just wanting to get the invites done asap not nececerily sent out TODAY but soon....and i'm limited on time as my place is a DISASTER and i got a shitload to clean and all that jazz so i was just wanting to get them out soon...so no worries.......i'll just change it up a bit i'm kewl with that, and well wut rob's mom doesn't know wont hurt her about using her ink! lol
    otay girlies so i'll talk to you soon!!!


    I'm Listening

    I am absolutely working on this, trust me I am not ignoring it. Last night we went to Walmart and I could not find a single thing on my list of things to register for. They didn't even have babysitter pillows, cloth diapers or those bouncy chairs that babies spend most of their time in.

    I just want to actually see the places so I can make a decision. I will tell you ASAP. If the invitations go out this week, that is still almost 6 weeks before the shower which is plenty, plenty, plenty of time.

    Sunday, January 15, 2006


    ok so no one has really got back to me bout this babies r us thing and walmart, so i've got walmart on the invites and i'll put babies r us on a seperate piece of paper included in the invitation...hows that? then u and melissa can register at both cause they've got different things and people can pick and choose from there.......is that a plan???

    let me know SOON.....erin

    Friday, January 13, 2006

    Poker and baby registries...

    I am working Sunday Jan 15th, but I am free Thursday night at 6:00 pm. I will be at poker on Thursday Jan 19th. What time do you leave for poker? Is it at Sir Winnies?
    Keira and Melissa could still register at Babies R Us (part of toys R us), and you can verbally tell people who live in Kelowna or area that you're registered at 'Babies R Us' as well. I like options. Plus, it gives you something to experience as a 'Mom-to-be'.

    - Sammi

    p.s. you're welcome Melissa

    WAL MART IT IS....

    ok wal mart it is...i've changed it....printed out 20 invites i'm not changing anything agian....ehheheheh so ur stuck with it!!



    Melissa just told me that she wrote that blog before reading Erin's blog about the invites being done. Melissa and I have been deciding whether to register at Walmart instead of BRU. But BRU is now already on the invitations, am I right? If that is the case then we will go ahead and register at BRU on Wednesday as planned.

    I think that in my case I'll ask for diapers (cloth or plastic) from people who can't go to Kelowna or do a joint present or pickup with someone who can.

    Sammi, poker is Thursdays at 6 and Sundays at noon, and we are looking at other pubs on other nights too. Can you come? That would be totally fun.

    just real quick.....

    #1: i'm starting to think that walmart WOULD be a better choice to do our registries at just because it wouldn't be so confusing for people. just with the babys r us registry, people can log on to the website and look at what's on our lists and then go get them at say walmart or whatever, that's just where i was going with that. but maybe the same can be done for the walmart registries. UGH. but no one should order anything online, it's more expensive.

    #2: i've been trying to figure out for the past two days how to get those pics of me and keira off my camera and onto my mom's crappy computer, and no such luck yet. me and keira will be in kelowna on wednesday tho, so maybe i'll pop back into my place there and download them quickly so everyone can enjoy them!

    #3: thanks sammi for the nice comment, i feel so loved :0)!

    okay so i think that's it, for now at least. YAY i'm so excited!!!


    Hey Everyone,
    I have been a bit busy, but I have now caught up with Keira's, Ang's, and Melissa's blogs.

    1. Melissa, you look amazing at the New Years party.
    2. Kiera, I would love to join you at the poker pub night. If you could give me the times on Thursdays and Sundays, I would check my schedule.
    3. Erin, don't forget to e-mail me if you need any help for the shower. You can also ask Kiera for my phone number if it's more short notice help.

    I'm going to get back to my day, so I'll talk to you later.
    - Sammi

    Qs & As

    Babies-R-Us is inside Toys-R-Us on the main highway in Kelowna.

    There was no question about how the gifts get to us, but I just checked the website and it said that when you order online, you either enter your address or if you don't then it will ship to us.

    I sent along what belly pictures I had but Melissa has some of the two of us from last weekend. Melissa, can you send those to me too?

    Thanks a bunch Erin and anyone else who is making the shower.

    At the Sunday Pub Poker Matt and I got 1st&2nd place and on Thursday we got 3rd&4th. Matt and Melissa are coming with us to this Sunday's game.

    Matt quit smoking 10 days ago. Way to go!


    Alrighty girlies.....invitations are done, now i just have to get them sent out! hahaha.....Keira u need to get ur registry going, i found melissa's on there and i've included the babies r us website on the invitation so people can go there or visit......no one answered me on HOW the gifts get to you girls if they order them online........thats the reason i suggested wal mart or the bay as it was more reachable for most people....but let me know cause its on there now......

    alrighty.......oh...keira do u have an address for brenda or should i just send it to ur dad's?



    Wednesday, January 11, 2006


    Keira do u have a weekly/monthly set of pictures of urself???? i NEED THEM if u do........


    Location, Date & Time.....DONE!!!

    Hello Everyone!!!

    its finalized.....the combined baby shower WILL be held at Aunty Colleens, on Sunday Feb 26th at 2pm!!!

    i'll be getting those invitations out here pretty quick.......

    ALSO.......just a thought......dont u think it'd be better to REGISTER at a place where most people live in that town? for example Walmart or The bay...cause not very many people get to kelowna that often.....just a thought.....and PRICES are more reasonable at those two stores.........and WHERE THE HECK IS BABIES R US???? just a thought......it'd be easier on a lot of people i think.......but let me know ASAP so i can include that in the invites!!

    and i thought of just including an item for someone to bring as a potluck/appy sorta thing...it'll mostly be snacky finger foods (fatty i know) but with two preggo's i'm sure they'll eat ANYTHING! hahaha just buggin...

    alright....so get back to me on the registry idea and all that jazz......



    Tuesday, January 10, 2006

    Short but Sweet

    Hey Sam,

    My e-mail is sammibo@gmail.com. E-mail any ideas you have on the shower.
    What a cute picture of Deigan.
    Keira, we or someone should put out the camera out and take belly pictures.

    - Sammi

    I'm Alive!!

    First of all - Key I am alive!! Hahaha! Sorry I haven't been in contact for awhile.

    Baby Shower Plans - So I need to know the official set in stone date for Key and Melissa's shower asap so I can book the time off work (is the 26th a for sure date?)....my unofficial plan is to come up 2 or 3 days before and stay in Kelowna with my friends Leah & Dave - then come to Vernon for the shower (stay at Keiras or Aunt Colleens) and spend an extra day or two there.....so as you can tell I need to tell work when I will be missing all these working days! Teehee!!

    Baby Shower Help - Not sure what I can do from down here but am willing to help Erin & Sammi out if needed. Erin I will email you today with some ideas......Sammi what is your email address??

    Baby Pictures - Where's the belly updates??? Key-thanks for the ultrasound pic it was amazing!

    Christmas/New Years - Merry (belated) Christmas & Happy (belated) New Years to everyone!! Hope you all had a naughty but safe one! For those who don't know I went off to Medicine Hat, Alberta for 5 days and Calgary, Alberta for 2 days. It was a great trip and wonderful to see my Mom and step Dad......the surprising thing about the trip was that the weather was waaay better and warmer there than it is here in Vancouver - weird eh?

    Congrats Matt on quitting smoking!! How many days are you at now?

    Nicole/Key - What a freakin' adorable picture of Deigan!!!!! I love it!

    Monday, January 09, 2006


    Isn't he the cutest?

    Saturday, January 07, 2006

    I'm in for helping with the shower!

    Erin, I sent an e-mail to you. Keira and Melissa start your registries and don't forget to let us know where the registries are.

    - Sammi

    Friday, January 06, 2006

    Okay....Baby Shower Plans...

    Ok so i need some help! hahahaha i offered but dont wanna do it all myself, so who wants to help? and i need some details cause first we should get the important things in order such as

    Date, Time, Place, who brings what (potluck/appy's is a good idea like Keira's Wedding Shower) Sunday is obviouly probably the best day i'd say for almost everyone.......so i'm thinking sunday Feb 26th, that is depending on when Sam is here and all that jazz....so KEIRA AND MELISSA u need to get back to me on this so i can start the Invitations.....Oh and i'll need a list of people u'd like there (friends, family ect.) and addresses if possible....and anything else u wanna let me know....otay......oh ya, we were thinking, shouldn't assume this but maybe we should hold the shower at aunty colleens or keira's dad's? seeing as they is pretty central and have big enough houses to hold most everyone.....so let me know what u think girls....

    n e ways i'm off to bed as i'm pooped........feel free to email me as well about n e of this.....and ANYONE else who wants to help gimme a shout or email....we welcome all the help we can get

    250-860-3776 or my cell 250-801-5178


    Okay Then...

    I didn't think anybody cared that much, since I do most of the blogging. But yes ma'ams, I will keep it up. You frickin' too though! We want to know about our cousins', sisters', neice & nephew's, and friends' lives too.

    December flew by sooo fast. Matt and I both worked all the time and went out most nights, and smack in the middle were a few days of jamming in family Christmas stuff. We were really glad to get to spend some time with extended family on both sides.

    Life will be a dream for the next couple of weeks since our neighbours have gone away. I can't even describe what a relief that is. Kind of like being let out of prison I guess.

    End of February has always been the (one and only) plan for the shower, becuase that's when Sam is coming. Erin, I for one would be thrilled if you did that stuff.

    Everyone congratulate Matt, he has quit smoking! Today is day four of the rest of his healthier, more pleasant-smelling life.

    Thursday, January 05, 2006

    Baby Shower???

    Hello all out there.......people are getting lazy.....hhahaha i hate not seeing new blogs, i get soooo excited when new things are posted...especially pictures!!! lol

    so question bout "THE" baby shower and whats going on with that, cause last i heard melissa and keira were planning it, and that shouldn't happen...ur not supposed too ur friends and family are supposed to plan everything for stuff like that....and well we are approaching January 6th here pretty quick and sooner or later it'll be february and this household will be quite busy come that time....with moving and everything....also sam will be down at the end of feb and i thought thats maybe when this duel shower was going to take place...so LET ME KNOW.....i'd like to do the invitations so if anyone has any objections please let me konw...and in order to do those i need the info from "the mothers to be" and if we ARE having it at the end of Feb we need to get ON IT!!! hahahaha.....ok so ya let me know asap......

    n e ways........on another note i'm going to post so family xmas pics for anyone who cares!!!

    Keep On Bloggin!!!

    Note from Keira: Uncle Mike, Matt, Erin, Aunty Laura, Donovan

    Matt, Melissa, Erin, Rob, Donovan

    Wednesday, January 04, 2006

    Happy New Year

    Here we are at 21 weeks, just before Christmas. Me & Gina went to the doctor yesterday and she said we are in excellent shape. The placenta is low though, so I will have to get another ultrasound after 30 weeks to see if there will be problems with that. No need to worry yet.

    Sam, where are you?

    Tuesday, January 03, 2006

    Just a prediction...

    I was just predicting about Tara.

    Monday, January 02, 2006

    Wishing everyone a Happy New Year

    I should have done this yesterday (Jan 1), but I was 'out of service' due to some drinking and toking the night before. On to Auntie Bo's 2006 predicts (via Sammi's amazing psychic abilities)...

    I predict some exciting arrivals this year for Melissa, then Kiera, and then Tara. These arrivals will be costly but worth every penny!
    No arrivals and no getting drunk for Auntie Bo (thank god for that).

    I wish everyone 'All the best for 2006'. I'm sure I will see some of you sometime this year.

    - Sammi