Thursday, January 05, 2006

Baby Shower???

Hello all out there.......people are getting lazy.....hhahaha i hate not seeing new blogs, i get soooo excited when new things are posted...especially pictures!!! lol

so question bout "THE" baby shower and whats going on with that, cause last i heard melissa and keira were planning it, and that shouldn't happen...ur not supposed too ur friends and family are supposed to plan everything for stuff like that....and well we are approaching January 6th here pretty quick and sooner or later it'll be february and this household will be quite busy come that time....with moving and everything....also sam will be down at the end of feb and i thought thats maybe when this duel shower was going to take LET ME KNOW.....i'd like to do the invitations so if anyone has any objections please let me konw...and in order to do those i need the info from "the mothers to be" and if we ARE having it at the end of Feb we need to get ON IT!!! hahahaha.....ok so ya let me know asap......

n e ways........on another note i'm going to post so family xmas pics for anyone who cares!!!

Keep On Bloggin!!!

Note from Keira: Uncle Mike, Matt, Erin, Aunty Laura, Donovan

Matt, Melissa, Erin, Rob, Donovan

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