Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Days Going By So Quickly....

Hello Everyone!
I realized this morning when I was reading my 3 main blogs that time has passed by so quickly - I guess all those times when we were younger and our older family members told us to enjoy the time now cause as we get older time goes by faster was true.....but still, I can't believe January is almost done.
I'm glad to see that Melissa and Key's shower is moving along smoothly it feels weird that for once in my life I have nothing to do with such an exciting event.....I think by doing that my excitement for the whole ordeal is heightened.
My plan as of now is to come up to Kelowna a few days before the shower to spend some time with one of my best friends who recently moved there and also finish my baby shopping - I have started but nothing big as you can only take so much on a Greyhound Bus. My trip up to the great Okanagan will be from February 22 -27.
Key - Not sure what time I am leaving on the 27th but let's do a birthday breakfast or lunch for you that day before I leave. I think this is the first time in our lifes together that I will actually be able to see you on your birthday. What'd you think? Anyone else who lives in Vernon or can get to Vernon up for bday breaky or lunch?
Key & Melissa - I haven't checked the registry yet but are either of you doing themes for your baby room? Also, what is/if you know the exact name of your daughters?? Kaidyn Jean Keough and Angelina Jade Garcia(oooh we could call her AJ for short! so cute!)?? Please let me know....
Erin - Getting excited about moving?? Are you excited?? Has Rob started packing yet?
Sammi - Holy 5 games!! That's insane! They aren't all long games are they? Presents take a long time remember.
Ang & Robyn - Glad to hear things are going well.

Well I think that's it for now....I'll try to blog later on in the week.
(Key-when's a good time to call you at home so we can catch up? Congrats on the poker game!!)

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