Friday, January 27, 2006

Oooooh Yeah!

Hello Everyone!
I want to start off my blog with very exciting news - I AM GOING TO THE AEROSMITH CONCERT IN APRIL!!!! WOOOHOOOOO!!! Now that I've got that out of my system I'll explain why all the excitement besides the obvious.....Do any of you have that one person or group that you've got to see in concert before you die???? Well Aerosmith is mine! I had tickets about 4 or 5 years ago to see them but for some reason they cancelled due to not be allowed to cross the Canadian border from the USA. So this is why I am excited I am getting a second chance at making one of my life wishes come true. Yippee!
In regards to Key's bday - The more the merrier so it's great that you can make it Sammi!
Key - I don't have the information in front of me so don't quote me but I'm pretty sure I leave around 1:10pm on the 27th so I would have to be at the Vernon Greyhound by 12:45. So maybe brunch would be best?
Key- Sorry I didn't call you on Wednesday that night ended up being a gong-show. I'll try and give you a call next week if that works.....I'm home Monday or Thursday, either of those work or are they both poker nights? How'd you do in your last poker game? Win the big bucks?
Middle Names - Very cute names Melissa however I've been given two different spellings for Christina can you clarify? Thanks Doll! Key go with whatever name you and Matt like - I thought Rose was beautiful as you know when you first told me and I also like the idea of carrying down Jade. Whatever you choose - people will like (they'll have no choice! haha!). Just let me know whenever you've got it figured out.
Key & Matt - Did you guys ever get ahold of Dave and tell him about the pregnancy?
Matt G- How many days no smoking now??
Erin - Did you mail the invites?? Are you ready for the move??
Melissa - Matt told me he got a job congrats! Things are looking up both a house and a job....someone is definitely looking down on you.
The Election - As happy that I am with the party that got voted in my jurisdiction - I agree with Sammi about the whole Conservatives running our country thing. It frustrats me! Did any one see the comments from Rosie O'Donnell about the Canadian Gov't? Overall though - I hope that a minority government doesn't cause us to go back to the polls in 18 months.

Anyways back to work I go....hope everyone is doing well. Talk to you soon!

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