Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Location, Date & Time.....DONE!!!

Hello Everyone!!!

its finalized.....the combined baby shower WILL be held at Aunty Colleens, on Sunday Feb 26th at 2pm!!!

i'll be getting those invitations out here pretty quick.......

ALSO.......just a thought......dont u think it'd be better to REGISTER at a place where most people live in that town? for example Walmart or The bay...cause not very many people get to kelowna that often.....just a thought.....and PRICES are more reasonable at those two stores.........and WHERE THE HECK IS BABIES R US???? just a'd be easier on a lot of people i think.......but let me know ASAP so i can include that in the invites!!

and i thought of just including an item for someone to bring as a potluck/appy sorta'll mostly be snacky finger foods (fatty i know) but with two preggo's i'm sure they'll eat ANYTHING! hahaha just buggin... get back to me on the registry idea and all that jazz......



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