Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Things to do before i die...

Okay, brace yourselves, but one of the things I have to do before I die is go down in a shark cage!!! (It just go's hand in hand with what I wanted as my dream career - to be a Marine Biologist). I love the ocean and think Sharks are such magnificant animals. Unfortunately I don't even think I will be able to convince Bryce to go scuba diving with me :( one of the other things I want to do is go to either Costa Rica or another third world country and work with some of the orphanages and hospitals...Bryce and I had a chance and were ready to go last year through world vision but then had a big financial blow.... so I was pretty close to crossing that one off my list.

Thank Erin, for the shower invite... I am so excited.... unfortunatly I am scheduled to work all that day until 6pm, but I will try to trade my shift with someone...seeing I didn't get to go to her wedding shower either!!!
I do have the next morning off though, for Birthday Brunch, so if not then I will see you all then.

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