Thursday, January 19, 2006

Babies and Poker, as Usual

Melissa and I both registered at Babies-R-Us yesterday. You can see the registries online; of course you shouldn't buy that way becuase then you have to pay shipping. Cousin Matt was super nice to drive us there and be patient while we took 2 hours looking at all the baby stuff. We did send him away though, when he tried to pick out a breast pump for us. Haha!

Melissa, you should check out your registry online if you haven't already. Mine had stuff added to it (like a $350 crib!!!) and all of the pink stuff showed up as blue or yellow. I fixed it all except it still says I want yellow receiving blankets.

Looking forward to poker tonight. Sammi, Ang (well, next time) and anyone else who is interested, it is at SW's and we will get there a touch after 5 so we can have $5 appies before the game. M&M are coming too, then back to our place for Earl and The Office. Woohoo!

Ang, if you're talking about the dark white line along the bottom of the baby, that is her spine. Are you having trouble making her out?

Babygirl is getting bigger and stronger and you can see my tummy bouncing around a bit when she's active. She likes to hit me in some reeeallly uncomfortable spots, especially when I'm trying to fall asleep or keep my poker face.

I'm off to buy an iron; ours is busted which leaves Matt shirtless for work. The ladies would like to see him that way I'm sure, but that's not really accountant-like. Congratulations Sugarbear, 17 days smoke-free!

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