Friday, January 06, 2006

Okay....Baby Shower Plans...

Ok so i need some help! hahahaha i offered but dont wanna do it all myself, so who wants to help? and i need some details cause first we should get the important things in order such as

Date, Time, Place, who brings what (potluck/appy's is a good idea like Keira's Wedding Shower) Sunday is obviouly probably the best day i'd say for almost i'm thinking sunday Feb 26th, that is depending on when Sam is here and all that KEIRA AND MELISSA u need to get back to me on this so i can start the Invitations.....Oh and i'll need a list of people u'd like there (friends, family ect.) and addresses if possible....and anything else u wanna let me know....otay......oh ya, we were thinking, shouldn't assume this but maybe we should hold the shower at aunty colleens or keira's dad's? seeing as they is pretty central and have big enough houses to hold most let me know what u think girls....

n e ways i'm off to bed as i'm pooped........feel free to email me as well about n e of this.....and ANYONE else who wants to help gimme a shout or email....we welcome all the help we can get

250-860-3776 or my cell 250-801-5178


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