Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Ok, I'll make it 3 shower games...

For the shower games, one can be play during the whole shower. Then I'll have 2 actual shower games. If the games go by quickly, I'll have an extra back-up.

Sam - I am available for breaky or lunch on the 27th of Feb for Keira's birthday. Keep me posted on the time and place.

I'm not too impressed about the conservatives winning, but I do believe it was a good idea for Paul Martin to resign. With all the players of the Liberal scandal out of the picture, I believe the Liberals will win in the next election (in a year or two probably).
I liked Paul Martin as a Prime Minister. Martin didn't cave when George Bush applied pressure about Canada supporting the war, and he kept working at getting Canada's debt down. I'm not a liberal voter, but I do agree Martin did a pretty good job as Prime Minister. The scandal came from Chrétien's run as Prime Minister; although, Martin was the Finance Minister at the time.
I just hope Harper doesn't pull a 'Brian Mulroney' by digging Canada into a huge debt hole, or take away a same sex couple's right to marry, or take away a women's right to choose. I am somewhat interested about the fact Harper is from the West, and he plans to focus more on the West then other Prime Ministers. Ok, enough politics talk for me.

Keira and Matt - I'll see you at the poker game on Thursday night unless my work schedule changes. I'll be snowboarding Friday night again if anyone is interested...$ 5.00 fridays at Silver Star!! I want to see if I can snowboard without injuring myself this time. The back of my head still hurts when I brush or wash my hair.

I'll chat with you all later,
- Sammi

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