Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I'm Alive!!

First of all - Key I am alive!! Hahaha! Sorry I haven't been in contact for awhile.

Baby Shower Plans - So I need to know the official set in stone date for Key and Melissa's shower asap so I can book the time off work (is the 26th a for sure date?)....my unofficial plan is to come up 2 or 3 days before and stay in Kelowna with my friends Leah & Dave - then come to Vernon for the shower (stay at Keiras or Aunt Colleens) and spend an extra day or two there.....so as you can tell I need to tell work when I will be missing all these working days! Teehee!!

Baby Shower Help - Not sure what I can do from down here but am willing to help Erin & Sammi out if needed. Erin I will email you today with some ideas......Sammi what is your email address??

Baby Pictures - Where's the belly updates??? Key-thanks for the ultrasound pic it was amazing!

Christmas/New Years - Merry (belated) Christmas & Happy (belated) New Years to everyone!! Hope you all had a naughty but safe one! For those who don't know I went off to Medicine Hat, Alberta for 5 days and Calgary, Alberta for 2 days. It was a great trip and wonderful to see my Mom and step Dad......the surprising thing about the trip was that the weather was waaay better and warmer there than it is here in Vancouver - weird eh?

Congrats Matt on quitting smoking!! How many days are you at now?

Nicole/Key - What a freakin' adorable picture of Deigan!!!!! I love it!

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