Tuesday, January 17, 2006

It's been forever!!

Hey all,

I have been here there and everywhere, busy, busy!! Work has picked up with all the highs and lows of the holidays and there are a lot of people coming down with that dreaded Flu too... Make sure you Preggers stay healthy!!! Have had a mystery health scare pop out of no where with myself as well, and well Bryce and I totally know what it is like to do the 3 family shuffle during the holidays. Hope you all had a great New Years... I know Sammy did!! :) Keira- love the ultra sound picture!! What is the big long thing going off to the left? Umbilical cord? Can't wait to meet her! Monica should be having her baby any day now... I think she is due on the 20th. I am up for poker night too, but not this week cause I work both days. Bryce and I went when they first started and it was really fun....except for "that Woman"- you know who I mean!! :)

Well, keep blogging everyone and just so you know, there is tons of fun things and get togethers being planned on our site so don't be strangers feel free to come to some of them ...Robyn where have you been?? We will be doing $5 Silver Star Fridays coming up here, and Sammi and I are wanting to go skating on the pond up there again one night. Erin, don't know if you still have my email, but you can get it from Keira or Sammi.... let us know if you want to come sometime.

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