Friday, January 06, 2006

Okay Then...

I didn't think anybody cared that much, since I do most of the blogging. But yes ma'ams, I will keep it up. You frickin' too though! We want to know about our cousins', sisters', neice & nephew's, and friends' lives too.

December flew by sooo fast. Matt and I both worked all the time and went out most nights, and smack in the middle were a few days of jamming in family Christmas stuff. We were really glad to get to spend some time with extended family on both sides.

Life will be a dream for the next couple of weeks since our neighbours have gone away. I can't even describe what a relief that is. Kind of like being let out of prison I guess.

End of February has always been the (one and only) plan for the shower, becuase that's when Sam is coming. Erin, I for one would be thrilled if you did that stuff.

Everyone congratulate Matt, he has quit smoking! Today is day four of the rest of his healthier, more pleasant-smelling life.

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