Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Yay, Fresh Big New Blogs

The conservatives won but with a minority government, so there will probably be another election within 2 years again. NDP increased their seats as well so the Liberals kind of got their ass kicked and Paul Martin resigned as leader of the liberal party.

I think you're right Sam, this will be the first time we've ever been together for my birthday! Weird. Let me know what time your bus leaves and we'll make that date. The morning of the 26th probably won't work becuase Melissa and I are going to a preggo event in Kelowna before the shower.

I don't have a theme, unless cute counts! Kaidyn's middle names are Christina Jean (aww), but you'd better take Melissa's word not mine. And Angelina's middle name is not decided (but it's not Jade- but yes AJ is cute). Just becuase people had mean things to say about my favourite name doesn't mean it won't be her name. I'll get back to you ASAP.

I agree that 5 games sounds like it might be too many, unless they're going on at the same time as everything else (like the don't say "baby" game). Presents always take a long time but in this case there are TWO of us opening presents.

This week it will be hard to catch me on the phone since we'll be at poker tonight, Thursday, and Friday. Friday is a big-money game with real players. So yeah I guess that leaves Wednesday!

Erin I saw your house the other day with M&M. Cute! They always take longer than expected to make. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you're in there this Sunday.

It is Melissa who has the pictures of us together, but they are stuck inside her camera. I think that they are coming to town tonight and/or Thursday, so we'll get them onto my computer if us preggos can remember. Actually we will take another one since that pic was weeks ago!

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