Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Yay, three weeks! That's the same number I told Matt this morning. Let's hope your mom is right Sammi.

Matt and I are finishing up all the baby stuff this weekend: getting the last of the family baby stuff from Pat, buying the rest of the stuff that we'll need for the first few weeks, and packing our hospital bags. I'm too big and waddle-y to shop after that.

Oh yeah, we sold the car on the weekend, to the first people that looked at it and for more money than we expected. So now we're in the family car, and it's so freakin' nice.

Ang, Kaloya is beautiful. The reason we didn't pick it is becuase you have to make a bit of a hike to get to the place with the arch. It's nothing major, about five feet of slope, but the grandmas would have had too much trouble getting up there. Something to consider if you have family members who can't walk very well.

Sam, when is your Aerosmith concert? Rob, how are the travel plans coming along? Kirsten, what's up with Van? What's new everyone? This doesn't just have to be the baby blog!

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