Saturday, March 18, 2006


hey everyone! I guess I'll give you guys an update on Drew and I.
Sam, Drew and I will be moving to east Van or Burnaby for the first little bit until Drews family can find a new enough and cheap enough place to buy for us. They are looking for a place in Delta for us.
the reason why we are moving is that Drew is going to SFU to finish his teaching Degree and I have applied to Kwantlen to take nursing though I have talked to the program coordinator and it sounds like it is a sure thing! Drew is going to be taking out a student loan and giving it to me since I still have an outstanding loan.
I also have been sending resumes off left right and center threw monster and have had 4 places call me back about different secretary jobs! also I have had a call back for here in Kamloops at a manor.
Its kinda hard because I work Sunday threw thursday and have to go down to Vancouver and schedual interviews on those 2 days. and each interview is at a total differnt part of the city.
Drew is really liking Starbucks. it helps that he is working as well. It means a little bit more money to save for the move.
Keira did you guys find a new car yet? Is there any kind of make,model and year that you are looking for. I'm sure my dad would be more than happy to help you look a bit. I could also look here for you. And what city are you going to looking for a car? Kelowna or Vancouver?
thats about it. I'm getting so excited about our life moving on. I didn't think that it would ever advance

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