Wednesday, March 29, 2006

YAY! Everything is SO exciting!!

OMG Keira!!! 3 weeks would be SO awesome :) I'm sooo excited!! I haven't seen you in a while, and I would like to get together really soon if you're up for it. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now though :) I still have a present for your new baby and for you, when we see each other I'll give them to you. That ultrasound that you had sounds so interesting! Do you have pics of it?

I love all the pics of Kaidyn, she's adorable!

Ang, when are you getting married? I didn't know you guys had set a date or anything!! That's exciting news too! We have a lot to celebrate lately! :) I guess that's what happens we come to this age and everyone starts pairing off, getting married, and having babies LOL :)

How has everyone been doing lately? I have been fine, kinda hectic because it is assignment time (for the one distance ed class that I'm taking) and then off to the final, that is worth 55% of my mark... ugh, so I have been stressing out about that lately. Then maybe off to somewhere exotic for me!! Can't wait! What has everyone else been up to?

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