Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Gina is coming soon!!!

My mom was reading your blog with me, and mom suggests packing your bag. Have a bag in the house and in the car; the car just in case you are out and about when you go into labour. Mom thinks you'll have Gina in three weeks.
Keira we'll have to go for lunch soon; it's been a while since our last lunch. How about next Monday for lunch around 1:00 pm? Do you think Melissa would want to join us? Get back to me if the time doesn't work for you. There is a bunch of us going to see "Ice Age (II) - Meltdown" on Friday at the Vernon theatre. I believe Ang said, we were going to go to the early show. Check Ang's blog for the correct time. I would love to see you and Matt there.

- Sammi

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