Monday, March 06, 2006

Early Labour for Melissa!!!

Hey everyone....seeing as NO one posts...i'll post once again.....Matt and Melissa came to kelowna LATE sat night as melissa was in early labour.....i guess they hooked her up to a contraction machine and all that jazz....but things weren't happening all that fast so they sent her home (toi my place) they stayed all day sunday and sunday night and i think if nothing has changed they are heading back to salmon arm today....probably only to race on back here in a couple days....but her doc said she'd be more comforatble in her own it was a close call and we were all hoping for the baby to pop out......but nothing yet.....oh and here's an update on my mom....

Hi everyone,

Laura has been struggling with a cold and sore throat all week, and Sunday morning had some chest pain, so we went to the hospital where, after
about 3 hours, she was diagnosed with pneumonia. It is one spot in one lung, so not too serious, although the doctor said her lungs sounded
awful. She has been prescribed Moxifloxacin for 10 days, and was told to recover at home because of the superbug at the hospital. They don't want
her to be a patient at the hospital unless she gets really short of breath.

She also has a bit of an infection on her PICC line, which they swabbed and will culture over the next few days. I have to take her in today and
get her PICC dressing changed. Thankfully I am off work today and have no problem doing this.

Still no granddaughter yet.....perhaps she is waiting until Grandma feels a bit better......


TTFN i'll keep u updated on melissa as they dont have the internet right now!!!


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