Wednesday, March 08, 2006


How exciting! Melissa told me all the weird details about the labour and the hospital and such. I'm still glad I have at least another 6 weeks, even though of course I'm excited to have our baby born. I haven't done all the reading and prep that Melissa has yet, so hopefully I will be cool and calm as her when it's closer to delivery time.

Poor aunty Laura. Hopefully she will be feeling better in time for Kaidyn's birth. Every time the phone rings I expect it to be Matt calling from the hospital to say the baby is coming!

Kirsten asked about cravings and I never answered: that's just a stereotype. Some women get cravings apparently, but it's not like on TV where they're waking their husband up at 3 am to go to the store. Anyone who could do that would be very spoiled and would get very fat! Most of the stuff we all think we know about pregnancy is false, and the stuff that actually happens is unknown to non-preggers.

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