Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Sunday is the day

Well I guess I sould check in here since there seems to be so much news with everyone eles.
I"m moving to Vancouver this weekend. Sunday to be exact. This week has been a crazy week. I'm working 12 hour shifts for overtime pay and I"m workin on my days off. On Sat my parents will be coming in to visit one last time. and on Thurs Drews family will be taking us out for dinner.
I"m getting so excited about Gina. That would have been the scariest thing in the world not feeling her move for a while. I'm glad everything went ok.
I'm pretty stressed out. I"m moving to Vancouver early to get settled. Drew is going to move down after his exams. I got a job there as a care aid worker but on call. so I'll have to find another job asap. I also need to find a new place to live asap. I"ll be couch surfing for a while.
Does anyone know of an apartment that is clean and quiet and alows animals in the Vancouver area? I'll be living in Delta for the first bit and working in North Van (no idea how far apart they are) so yeah.
I'm getting excited about nursing this fall. and Drew is excited to finnish school at SFU this year. everythign seems to be falling into place. except for the place to live and not seeing Drew for a month. But oh well. life goes on.
but yes I guess thats all the news I have for right now.
wish me luck!

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