Thursday, March 31, 2005

Wedding Poses...

Hey there......not sure if u did this yet or not key, but go to google, click on images and search for wedding poses.....that'll come up with a bunch of different pictures that you can describe to the photographer if u like them....for sure get one of u 2 from walking away in a distance...thats SOOOOOO nice! not sure if u want to get one of both of ur hands...some people like that, it shows the rings.....

so let me know when you find out a time we can go meet with the florist on wednesday....

n e word from the reverend? on the ceremony time yet?

well keep on bloggin peeps.......


Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Still waiting for the Reverend to get back to me about changing the ceremony time. I sure hope he changes his mind, or plans, or whatever caused this. I am cheesed about having to reschedule with so many people and cramming in the day stuff, but especially about having a horrible, wretched, monster gap between the reception and ceremony.

Anyway, Matt went to Moore's and found the Tux. He'll get on here soon and tell you men the style and colour and stuff.

Thanks dudettes for the help shopping for decorations, placecards, guestbook etc. Erin, how about next wednesday we go see the florist? We have to stop at the paintstore first to get a colour sample to leave them.

I need to send a list of poses to the photographer, please send me your ideas! Tanya, you said you had some, can you email or blog them to me?

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Progress indeed!!!

well ladies.........soooo glad we got our shopping done! i had a great time! a little stressfull but it all went quite smoothly if u think about it!!! we got great dresses!!!!

so sam we just need to get the PARTY plans on the go and help keira out with any last min stuff......i'll practice my writing and get those place settings on the go....we'll have to get together like next monday or something keira or whenever you hve time...maybe we can look at the location at the same time!

oh ya.....u were mentioning a poem that you would like to be read at the reception....I'LL DO IT if u need me too......either at the reception or the ceremony.....tis up to you!!! just let me know wut it is ahead of time so i can practice up! haha

also if u wanna go look at and finalize the flowers on a monday or even a wednesday before 1 i am available to do that with you....

ok well i'm off to easter lunch/ i'll talk to you lata....

Happy Easter.......


Friday, March 25, 2005

Tuxes and flowers

Sure, I'll pick them up, no problem.

Thursday, March 24, 2005


Here's a pretty good map to go to Kopje... It just needs to be printed and then blown up a little. winfield is on the left hand side in the bottom corner and the only thing that is cut off is the traffic light by the lake. Pretty much though, you can just tell everyone to turn onto Oceola and then follow the map.

Have a great Easter Weekend everyone, and good luck on your dresses girls!!!


ok ive got a plan, sam, your coming in tomorrow right? well i was thinking if i could get a ride down there i would go either tonight or tomorrow morning and help out with the dresses as much as i could considering i have to work on saturday *shakes fist* not impressed on that, but im still gonna fly out there right after work. im sure theres more stores open in kelowna that day, the trouble is finding them, ill do a search on the net once im done this and look up stores in kelowna suitable for the occasion. Kopje park looks sweeeeeet! im stoked on that, its a really nice place, has a beautiful view, and lots of parking also do-able for the grandmas. me and keira set the hair appointments if you gals didnt know, by the way sam your hair sounds sweet! keira is there anything else you would like us to help out with while we're all gonna be together?

Let's get this party started....

Hey Everyone!
It's nice to see that things are starting to all fit together...what a relieve especially on the Bride 'n Groom.
Kirsten - Skirts and Shirts are a great possibility.....I'm sure all the bridesmaids are willing to wear whatever Keira chooses....we'll keep our eyes open! Thanks for the heads up about Suzy Shear and Ricki's!
Dave - You're fabulous! Thanks for offering to help set up/take down the chairs; can you also pick up the tuxes and flowers that day???
Ladies - Are we going to try shopping Friday and Saturday??? It's nice to know we won't be as rushed to shop with having Fri, Sat and Monday morning.
Wedding Day/Ceremony - I'm sure we can find places to hide (guys & gals)......I think it's more important for the bride to is the Bridal party getting to Kopje Park???
Maps- Is it possible to find a map of Kopje Park on or photo copying a page out of a local mapbook?? Check it out!
Ladies- Less than 24 hours and I will arrive in Winfield - are you ready for a funfilled shopping & brainstorming weekend?!? Woohoo!


Oh by the way.....I cut my hair....teehee....I got 5 1/2 inches cut off on Saturday and I had side swipe bangs....still totally possible to do a million up-do's, curly etc with it though.

I'm excited, it's a big change for me!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

At your service

Sure, I'll set up chairs, what ever you guys need. I'll do what ever you say all weekend.

I just went through the 150 or so pictures we took and narrowed it down to about 30, with potential.. I'll keep you updated on the invites.

Thanks Matt and Keira for being such good hosts on the weekend, I had a good time. Except i cracked my windshield on the way back... rrrggghh..

Had another thought on music... are you familar with Smokey Robinson and the Miricles?


Hey bridesmaids..
I was just wondering something... and that is if you considered wearing skirts and nice shirts.. Keira was having some trouble finding some nice dresses. there are some really really pretty skirts at Ricki's that come in different colours. it just may be another option. there are also pretty ones in Suzy Shier.
Shit we are in the middle of having another blizzard.. 2 in the same week. fuuuuck over a foot of new snow.

Ladies Only

Hey ladies, Bill and I went all through the Mall yesterday and found basically nothing for suitable bridesmaid dresses. There was one that was stunning, but $150. most of the rest were black, hot pink or yellow. Except for that dark&light blue one, Tanya, that you tried on in Fairweather.

Anyway the good news is that the mall is open 11-5 on Friday so I bet other stores are too. We just need to find other ladies clothing stores in Kelowna that have the kind of thing we're looking for. Erin.... know of any?

Groomsmen, Don't Skip This Blog

Actually, Kopje park is booked as of just now. Believe it or not, the parks lady and I have missed each other every time, and we've been leaving messages on each others' machines for days. So today I purposely stayed home just to catch her call. I did, and now I feel sooooo good. I won't actually know the cost until April, but oh well.

Anyway the park is a good half-hour out of town, maybe more. But, it's fabulous. Now that we have the location, here are some new considerations:
  • We'll have to send out maps
  • Dad will use his truck to transport the chairs & table. We'll have to keep them till the next day. Yes, that will cost extra
  • We do need a couple people to set up the chairs and then pack them up again after. That should be easy, there are only like 25. Groomsmen?
  • We're having the ceremony at the heritage house, but it won't be open yet. So there's nowhere for anyone to get ready or hide.
  • That means I'll have to hide out somewhere else (with the bridesmaids?) and once everyone is seated: arrive, get out of the car and down the aisle
  • Picking up things from Kelowna might be too much of a squeeze for Erin. I think the men should do it. Men: do you have any plans for that day?

Easter Weekend Etc.

Hey All!
Glad to hear Kopje Park is all booked and ready to go! Woohoo! I saw the pictures and it looks like a beautiful location, which will make for a beautiful ceremony and pictures (with no damn contruction workers). How far of drive is it from the park to OUC??
Chairs - Can you have them delivered to the park or is that more money?? Key does your Dad still have the truck? Can you ask him to pick up and deliver the chairs???
Rehearsal Dinner - Sounds perfect! I'm all for doing a practice and then ordering in or going out. Key & Matt - mentioned other activities for that night also, so maybe pizza or chinese ordered in would be best, let's talk about it this weekend.
Friday - I'm open to anything. Who all is available to do stuff on Friday??
Saturday - I think the bridal party having dinner together on Saturday is an excellent plan for anyone who can make it. Gives us a whole day/night to talk about wedding stuff.
Sunday - I would like to see the family also, if possible, but like i mentioned to Key before, I came up to do wedding stuff so if I don't see anyone besides her,Erin and Jill I'm totally okay with that. Erin - why don't you check with your Mom or whoever is holding the dinner on Sunday and check to see if the 4 of us can come?

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Kopjes and Robbers

I saw Kopje, it was awesome. It's quite far away, that's why we didn't find it before. Anyway, if it rains we can all fit on the patio.

I also made the hair appointments for noon. There will be 3 ladies working on us. The price is $40-45 and that's based on a formal updo. My practice do is Saturday April 30; hopefully one or more of you can see it and tell me if it's cool. The number is 766-1200 in case you need it. You must come with clean, product-free, bone-dry hair and wear a button up shirt so you don't fuck up your hair when you change.

Kopje a Feel

So the five of us will do dinner on Saturday? Aunty Cathy is doing a dinner Sunday but I would feel very uncool about four of us showing up uninvited. Is anyone interested in doing an Easter dinner here at the sugarpad? Come one, come all?

Bill and I are going to see Kopje right now so I'll get back to you about it Ang. We have to supply our own chairs, i.e. rent about 30 chairs, transport them, set them up, take them down right after the ceremony, and return them. So that duty gets added to the list. Chair rentals that I priced out before were $3 apiece which is $90+tax. Fucking additional expenses! In case of rain, we'll have everyone bring umbrellas.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Easter Dinner

Hello there......well i heard a little rumor that easter dinner was at auntie colleens but i am not sure what day, i assume sunday...andd if that be the case i wouldn't mind heading over there....its rob's b-day but i think he is going i'd like to catch up with the fam....but i'm waiting to hear back from my mom to see wuts up....

n e ways girls friday i am not working at the salon and i'm available till 6 so let me know and we'll all get togheter we can probably even do the decoration shopping that day cause i am sure EVERYTHING isn't closed....michaels may even be open and maybe some others too otherwise we will go monday....and value villiage is a good idea as well.....

n e ways glad to hear we have a location hope its not too far out and confusing to get'd be nice to take a look at it this weekend....

n e ways keep in touch....


Need a Dance partner???

Check out this dog... amazing!!!

Kopje Park....

Kopje is about 10-15 min from I have been told... (I went the Vernon way, up past Predator Ridge when I went to see it). Keira.... I have tuesday off and will be going through winfield if you want to go check it out and find out how to get there... I have to work at the Kelowna station at 6pm though.. so it would have to be around 4:30 ish. If not then I am off Thursday too.... but then I am gone to the coast for the weekend for a wedding. If you want to take the girls to see it on the weekend then maybe we should try to go tomorrow or thurs. Well let me know... you can reach me at 838-6641 tonight or try my cell.

Did Eve (the lady from kopje) mention anything about whether or not they provide chairs or not?? If you have chairs and how are you going to get them out there??

Easter Feaster

Good question: what are we doing for dinner on Saturday? I made a point of cancelling family easter dinner plans that night so we wouldn't have to rush our one and only shot to do this all together. Should we all have dinner together, or disperse and do our own things, or just play it by ear?

Yes, there is definately going to be a rehearsal. It'll be in the afternoon or evening the day before the wedding. I assume those of us at the rehearsal (bridal party) and friends staying in town will go out to dinner afterwards, or maybe come back to our house and order pizza, or something. It will be dinner time and we'll all be together anyway. But we won't force ya.

I was never planning to have the bridal party do the decorations. But the only decorations are on the tables, and there are only five tables. So, no matter who does them it will take only a few minutes. Let's talk this over this weekend (along with many many other such things).

Yup, Matt's feeling better. He had a big mouthful of bloody gauze the first day, and was really sick. Then he didn't eat much all weekend. But now he's fine except for a bunch of annoying stitches that he gets taken out thursday.

Today is exactly two months until the wedding.

A few more ingredients....

Key - Can you e-mail the contact information for both yours and Matt's female family that has been invited to the wedding.
I need this asap, Thank You!

You make me wanna La La!

Hello hello!
It's nice to see that a location for the reception was found, how far away is Kopje Park from OUC campus?? What a huge relieve of stress on Keira and Matt. Yay!

Erin et all - I arrive in Winfield at 7:48am on Friday! Keira - what are our plans for that day?? It's a holiday so there isn't much we can do off the list - I was thinking that we could find some photo shoot locations both at OUC and Kopje Park (for the wedding party/Bride 'n Groom pics). Is there anything else you want to do that day?

Saturday- Are we meeting at the Mall at 9:00am or somewhere else?? We need a location? Maybe a Starbucks or Coffee shop (mmm...morning coffee!). We will need to get the 3 most important object bought - Dresses/Shoes and Order flowers (Keira do you need to make an appointment with the florist?)

Sunday - Is there anything scheduled for this day?? If not,Keira and/or Erin do you want to road trip to Vernon??

Monday - I leave at 1:40pm (I think) and I have to be at the Greyhound in Winfield by 1:15pm. Are we only shopping for decorations this day? Do we know where? Can we also look at thrift stores i.e. Value Village for the old books etc?

How is Matt feeling??? Better, I hope.

Key/Ang - any suggestions of the decorating? Key- you and I discussed this issue awhile ago there is no way the wedding party is going to be able to decorate or at least not decorate everything. I think it's an excellent idea to get someone to help; Ang offered and what about your Mom, Jody or Nicole?

Erin is going to pick-up the flowers on the wedding day. Nolan or Dave can one of you pick up the tuxes??

Have the invitations been completed? What is the "Out By" goal?

I know Erin asked this before but I don't think it's been answered? Are we having a rehearsal dinner? If so, when?

Reminder - Only 25 days left to get your picture in to Keira! Don't forget!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

HeLLooooo Ladies and Gents....

Great to hear that a location may have been found, i took a look at that site......quite impressive, hope it all works out? where is it exactly......windfield area? would the reception still be at OUC???

looking forward to easter weekend wuts the game plan? 9am at the mall? or at someone's house........sam when do u arive in town on friday? i'm working friday night at the bowling center from 6-10ish so let me know wut that plan is.......n e ways gonna make this quick...keep in touch.....keira those pics sound great! we'll be sure to take pics on the SHOPPING DAY as well.....

ok well i'll tlak to you soon


Tanya here!

Sorry everyone for disappearing. Been working like crazy, and school stuff. Good news bridesmaids....i got the Saturday off work, it took some prying but i got it off. I will be heading into the area Friday night so i will be able to show up early for 9:00am on Saturday for the shopping. i remember something before about a picture of myself, i will try to find something, i don't recall what the picture is for, but i will try to find it and bring it with me on the 26th. I would like to get my hair done the same day that all of the other girls are getting theirs done, so sign me up if it is not too late, if it is, i am more than capable myself. i'm excited about the new location, i hope Keira and Matt can find it and book it. good luck with everything else. i check the blog regularly, so if you need me, just ask:)


Yes Ang, we actually are that stupid. I have been all up and down there by myself once, with Matt once, and with Matt and Dave once. I can see by the pictures that the park is huge, and therefore we are one giant oblivious pair of idiots.

Haw Haw

"My brother-in-law was so drunk when he gave his best-man speech that he started an argument with his younger brother, yelling obscenities over the microphone in front of the entire reception, including my extremely conservative family. My advice is to get the speeches over with early, or ask those giving speeches to refrain from drinking until they have spoken."--Susan, 29, Charlottesville, VA

Man you guy's!!!!!

Are you serious??? you still couldn't find it??? What are you doing on monday or tuesday??? if you want I will take you out there for a drive so you can take a look... : ) I work Monday night hough in Enderby at 6pm so it would have to be during the day then. Tues is all free. We should prob go when Matt could come too... but if not then I am sure he'll go with your judgment. : ) I really dont think there will be any problem with disturbances, especially with kids because it is so wide open down there. Nice manicured lawn, big huge pine tree's and right on the lake... best of all there is easy access because it is all flat, there is tons of parking and there are public washrooms. AWESOME VIEW! your right on the lake!!!

WOW! That was a long night last night hey!!! but I had so much fun!!!!!! I got home and into bed at 3:30am and was up again at 7 to go to work. Luckily I was able to sleep a bit when I got to the station though.

Well talk to you soon.... give me a call and let me know what you want to do....or let me know on the blog... chow.

Trivia Mania

I found some pictures of Kopje and I'm going to book it first thing tomorrow morning. We haven't seen it, but we have two months to find it (haha). That will be a huuuuuuge load off. Ahhh, I feel better already.

Dave took lots of cool pictures of us yesterday: by a tree, sitting in a tree, climbing around a tree, on the beach with a cool flower, on playground equipment, on railroad tracks. Thank you so much Dave!

Then we had a 7+ hour Trivial Persuit 90's marathon.

Saturday, March 19, 2005


Hey turns out we have not seen Kopje park; we went to the park today that we thought was Kopje but it was called Okangan Centre Park. So then we drove around and still couldn't find Kopje. We will though. We will not give up! Where is this freaking park?! Is it a ghost park?

Friday, March 18, 2005

Elementary, My Dear Watson

I knew it was weird that Ang was telling us about a park in an area where we had looked high and low. Today I cracked the case... we have already been to that park and thought it unsuitable. To my recollection the park was tiny and full of brightly coloured children's playground equipment. We figured the place would be crawling with screaming kids. We like kids, but not when they're fucking up our wedding.

Anyway, both Ang and the park lady said there was a heritage house with a porch that we could be on with the guests facing a lake view. We've been scratching our heads trying to figure out how that would work. There is no covered area in case of rain, but I'm wondering if we couldn't squeeze 30 people onto the aftorementioned porch? Today we were at the travel agent place until dark but we'll try and sqeeze in a visit this weekend becuase apparently it is worth another look.

Dave is coming tomorrow about mid-day and we're having a rip-snortin' party that night.

tell us!

keira or matt,
will you tell us if you found a place for your wedding? I was soooo excited when I heard about Angela suggesting those places. so yeah. did you guys find anything?

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Thank You Ang!

I left a message with Kopje park to see if it was available. If you're going out there tonight, give me a call and I'll join you. Otherwise I'll go tomorrow once I hear back from the parks lady. Also we're definately interested in the backyard if the park doesn't pan out. How extremely generous of your friend!

Watching from the sidelines...

Hey Keira..

I found some written directions to Kopje Park, but no pictures except for one of a heritage house on site.. it looks really nice... so other then what my partner said the other day about them nice park and garden area, I don't know much. I am almost tempted to take a drive down there though just because it is not that far away and I have been meaning to go for a drive down that road for a while anyways. It runs right along the lake and there is supossed to be some spectacular views. I may go today, just because I am sick, feel like crap and could use some fresh air and a view. If I go... I'll let you know what I find... there is also a coral beach park there too.. I would love for you to come if i decide to go, but aside for it just going to be a mindless waste some time drive, I still don't know if I caught Norwalk virus from my patient the other day ( the same day i called you from winfield). :(
NE ways Here are the directions..

Coming in from Vernon to Lake Country (Winfield):
Follow Highway #97 along Wood Lake till the beginning of Winfield, turn off right at the traffic lights onto Oceola . Follow Oceola which becomes Okanagan Centre Road East uphill and then downhill towards Okanagan Lake, turn right onto Carrs Landing Road. Follow Carrs Landing Road for a few kilometres , to Kopje Regional Park . 250-868-5232 is the contact number.

Oh, if Kopje doesn't work, my partner Caroline was there when I talked to you the other day in winfield on the phone, and she says she has had weddings in her yard before, for family.. she lives right down the hill from you... go through your light, past coopers and the road turns into her driveway at the bottom of the hill.. she says she would be willing to let you use her yard if you want.. she has a little bit of work she would do to it prior to the big day, there is a water fall and flowers and all. But she is really nice and I could definately phone her if you want... or Even just take a drive down there and talk to her if you have some time... she is usually home unless she is on a call.

About the decorating and all.... I know I am not part of the wedding party or anything, but if you aren't able to decorate the night prior and you are alll going to be running around really busy as it is on the wedding day like Erin stated, just let me know if you think you will need some help... I am wide open for time aside from a few shifts here and there and if you guy's have to decorate that day, I would be glad to come down early. After all decorating is my thing.

Happy St Patty's

We just got back from Matt's surgery. They dug some freak extra teeth out of his jaw. Poor Sugar, he's sleeping with a mouthful of gauze and is supposed to just eat soup for the next couple days. Don't worry Dave, he'll be eatin' and boozin' again by the time you're here.

Responses to the blogs:
  • Kirsten, Ang&Bryce, Bill, thanks so much for your help with the dance music!
  • Erin, that's so cool of you to come decoration shopping. I can't do this monday because I have a wretchedly hard paper due that evening; can you do Easter Monday? If so Sam can come too becuase she's leaving town at 1:40 and that works out for your workout. We need a neato old set of encyclopedias so if anyone's grandma has one or you see one in a used book store, let us know.
  • Thanks Erin and Sam for the photos. Two down, four to go.
  • The cake will be delivered but the tuxes and flowers need to be picked up on the day.
  • Actually the flowers are not done; I need someone to go see them with me. That should be after we get the dresses.
  • Has anyone heard from Tanya? I haven't in a couple weeks and I'm not sure whether she's coming on Easter Saturday or whether she wants her hair done.
  • We can't decorate until that afternoon unless I pay to rent the room during lunchtime, and pay again to book during breakfast time, and again the night before.
  • Last I heard limosine rental was $100/hour and we'd be using one for several hours. Since everything is quickly climbing over 12 thousand dollars, and we sure as fuck don't have that much, I'll have to say no to the limo.
  • There is no location yet. The one we thought was a for-sure didn't pan out. Angela told me about a place called Kopje Park that I haven't been able to find yet; if that doesn't work I might jump out the window. So I still could use some help with that. But remember it's been two weeks so I've already looked at everywhere that is advertised. Incidentally, en route to school the other day Matt and I drove by the Guisachan House, which was ON FIRE.

There are a couple of really important things that I could use some brainstorming for but I'll let these sit for a bit first.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

This thing is SOOOO handy... key, and matt, i just sent a picture x 2 to both of ur email addresses, not sure who needs them....but check that out and let me know if thats ok.....u may need to do a little cropping as the best pics of me are with rob........

key...i'll go decoration shopping with you.....just name a time, and HOPEFULLY i wont be working....maybe next monday morning if ur not busy....i work at 3.....and would like to hit the gym about let me know, also a girl i work with at the salon works at michaels, i could talk to her about a deal if u'd like...

is there gonna be a rehursal? or rehursal dinner? do we wanna set up everything on the friday night? as in decorate and everything cause we will be WAY to busy on sat.....

YES i will pick up flowers, cake or anything else needed to be picked up, just give me the place and time and i'll be there.....

Sam.....can u write me an email on wut ur planning on saying in ur speech, and or stories u may tell......i dont really know what ice breakers are, so maybe i'll do a little speach as well......but let me know sam....also let me know wut the plans are for the bridal shower/party...are we doing a joint one?

i think the transportation should be simple, most people coming to the wedding will drive their own cars to the ceremony and can transport themselves to the reception if they are at different locations, otherwise we probably need 2-3 vehicles for the wedding party....a limo(maybe not that expensive, we could check it out) i looked at this site, but it didn't give maybe check that out

so hair is a done deal.....

mani's/pedi's: keira wut time would u like to come in, i'll book it as soon as u let me know.....n e 1 else, please let me know ASAP.....we could also just do mini mani's and mini pedi's just to put polish on to match our dresses if needed....and we can do that fri night at someone's house......i'll just get a polish to match our dresses when we get them! hehehehe key, check this site out, it MAY help out a bit.....

n e ways i hope this helps out a bit as well......n e questions or concerns u know how to reach me....oh and sam....about the dress, as far as i know they are STILL here at la we'll just have to wing it when u get to you all soon!



Hey Sam thanks for talking to Keira and finding out how she was feeling. I'm glad that you took charge. Hopefully people will fallow your lead!Keira I have done all the music. I know other people are helping with it. Jill and Angela- I have 3 cd's worth of swing,80's, 70's and fun stuff to dance to. I"m sure everyone will be thinking.. OMG I haven't heard this in ages. I even put a little Doors on for you! I made a cd also of this awsome singer/jazz musician (even though I think my man is the best) named Mark Berube. Mostly piano, stand up bass (which I am planning to learn.. how hard can it be to violin or bass?) and accordian!I'll leave Dave for the dinner music. I beieve that he is doing it. if not then.. Jill??Erin- I"m sorry if you took offence to my last blog. Maybe talk to Keira??Will you guys being doing photo's in black and white or both? will you be using some of these photos that Dave's taking and putting them in your wedding photo album.. Dave isn't doing the wedding potography is he?well thats about it.Sam if you can think of anything eles I can do from across the contry away then tell me!cia!


Here's where I think we stand...if there is any changes...let me know!
  • Speeches - Me & Dave so far - would anyone else like to?
  • Invites - Dave is going to Winfield/Kelowna this weekend to do photos etc. Besides that how are they coming?
  • Nolan- Are you doing a speech or ice breaker game?
  • Ice Breakers - Jill & Jody are doing something - anyone else?
  • Pre-Wedding Parties - Dave is doing Matt's, I am working on Key's with help from ALL the bridesmaids!
  • Bridesmaids - Please check out the websites Key gave us in February
  • Flowers - Keira and Tanya have been working on this
  • Music - Kirsten and Jill to-do (think it was Rat-pack music and fun stuff)
  • Honeymoon - Matt & Key have you booked it yet or still looking around for prices etc?
  • Cake - Keira ordered a yummy cake with Strawberries!
  • Delivery of items(cake, flowers etc) - Does teh company do this or does someone from the wedding party need to? Erin are you available?
  • Bodyguards - I will take care of the Keough's - One of the guys want to watch the Garcia's? Nolan??
  • Make them Kiss - Funny stories & bubbles
  • MC - Me
  • Tux - I believe this is being set-up right now
  • Decorations - Someone needs to go with Keira to Jill's store and also Michaels or something asap! Jill gets a 25% discount so it's perfect.
  • Centerpieces - Key & Matt have you started looking for old school books and belts yet?? I can keep an eye out here just let me know what type of books you want
  • Location- Any word on location for ceremony yet?
  • Location for sleeping - Make sure you book your hotel rooms NOW! I have done mine....if you are coming from out of town this is important!
  • Food - Keira is a vegetarian I say go with Salmon...I like it and as far as I can see so does everyone else, who said they don't? Has it been finalized yet Keira?
  • Transportation - Depending on the locations we will need to find cheap transportation for the guests and wedding party - look for cheap rates or ideas
  • Key & Matt - how'd you meeting go with the Reverend on Monday?
  • Hair - I believe everyone hasn't gotten back to Keira now? Am I wrong? I think we're all in...right? Key call right away!
  • Mani/Pedi - I know Keira is in and Erin will do it at the Salon or at keira's on Friday
  • Pictures of Wedding Party - Everyone is to find a nice picture of themselves that they like and send it to Keira before APRIL 15th!

Hope this helps everyone!

Everyone needs to take a deep breathe....

First of all I want to say what many have said before this is Key & Matt's wedding; a day for them to celebrate their lives with the people they care about. As Kirsten stated the support from the family members on both sides is weak and that is why the wedding party needs to be extra supportive and understanding in all cases. There are a few people that have been asked to help that are not in the wedding party, these people are all important influences in the bride and grooms lives. They were not asked to help because the wedding party was not doing their duties but because these people are equally respected and loved. Weddings are always a stressful time for the people getting married, the people involved with the wedding and the surrounding families. It is a merge of two completely different people who use to live seperate lives....No one should expect things to be perfect, no one should expect the fairy tale....In the end I believe everything will work out, and that Key & Matt will not be able to stop smiling at their pre-wedding parties and wedding day. We all need to love, support and honour their wishes; this is not a time to be pointing fingers and directing orders (unless your the bride). Enjoy the chance to make a long-lasting memory.

Monday, March 14, 2005

One More Thing

i must have missed this PICTURE thing cause this was the first time i heard about would you like a picture sent to you and wut type of picture and wut for? ok talk to you soon....and i have a digital camera so i can take a picture n e time for ya girly....

No Comment.....

n e comment on that last blog...not gonna get into issues on this thing........its a waste of time and typing....

so...ya.....i've been away for the last 5 days and lots of stuff has gone on where do i start....

as for the location : i mentioned wut i did know here in kelowna, and thats really all i can do.....

dresses: i looked, its hard to figure shit out when u dont have others with easter weekend is a date for us ladies to finish this........its hard when everyone is either living outta town, or working 2 jobs....

Shoes: well i think anything that matches the dresses should be fine and easy enough to find when we are out shopping....we'll have to start at like 9 am! haahaha...u know girls and shopping!

Hair: YES i would like to get my hair done, so BOOK ME IN! and if its TOOOOOO LATE....then i'll get it done at my big deal.....

MAKEUP: i am wiling to do makeup as i am a makup artist, so let me know.....

FOOD: well that is something keira and matt should decide and they have so lets just leave it at that......

PARTY: that again is something that we should all agree on about the combined event...dont see anything wrong with it....lets all figure this out.....

as for wut else to do....i'm really clueless....but honestly all u gotta do is ask.....and i'll TRY and work stuff around my schedule.........and help you out in any way possible.....

alrighty....if i missed anything i'll be sure to follow up......sorry if i sound a little snappish but i have had roughly 8 hours sleep all weekend and i'm tired and cranky and thats keep in touch

peace out

thank you

Keira thank you for asking me to make your music.. I'll make you a bunch of cd's and you can pick and choose a bunch of songs. If ther is anyting eles you would like me to do then just ask.. Bridesmaids do you relize it's not long left to the wedding.. have you talked to keira about serious issues? For some reason I think that its weird that I am not even coming to the wedding and Keira has asked for my help.. I think that its about time that you guys take some action.Over a month ago Keira posted a list of things that still needed to be done. No one has taken enough initiative to approach Keira about any of the topics ,well maybe one or two. But still you have suggested doing something like a wedding spot, but not looked into it after, (except for you Ang). Some of you looked at Dresses but that doesn't help Keira with the wedding. She has been asking for someone to help her look at cakes, see the flowers, stuff like that but no one offerd. She bought a cake without even looking at it! Its no fun to do a wedding by yourself! There is a lot of stuff you can start helping with. Remember this is about you making keiras big day run smoothly and easily and as stress free as possible. I'm not trying to be rude. but just stating the truth peace out!
ps Keira asked for a photo of everyone in the wedding party a month ago and no one had done that. She has drawn your portraits by hand. and she asked if you wanted to get your hair done with her to tell her so she could book the appointment and no one answered her. Stuff like this is just annoying because now she has to chase each one of you down and ask you again. I know a couple of you have booked. but not all. Now can Keira book the salon with only a couple months notice?? I hope you see this as constructive criticism. I'm really not trying to be rude.
PPS. read Keiras First Paragraph on the blog titled "The Neverending Story". I think Keira was expressing herself to the tee on how she feels this wedding is going. Firlst off.. As ALL of you know Keira has been a vegitarian for 12 years.... So because some people don't like fish Keira is serving chicken.. doesn't that sound a little selfish to you? Also Keira has hardly any suport from her or Matts sides of the family about this wedding. Its your job to be supportive, somone for Keira or Matt to be able to fall back on.. Not worry about.

Photos etc.

Hey, thanks for the info Sam.

The picture thing is happening this weekend. I'm going to storyboard some ideas for shots, but Matt and Keira, if you could think about locations a bit... beaches, sceanic views, railroad tracks etc, that are in the area, that'd be good.

Don't forget to send me directions. Thanks.

Catching Up.....

Dave - In regards to the bachlor/bachlorette parties....there is no maid of honour exactly....there's 4 of them!! We are all bridesmaids and maid of honours. If you have any questions regarding a party for Keira you can e-mail me!

Dresses- I looked at LeChateau and could not find the blue dress that everyone is talking about. I did however see some cute shoes at Payless. I was talking with Keira and she said we might as well wait til Easter weekend (Saturday) when all the girls are getting together and find both the dresses, shoes etc then.

Key, Matt & Dave - How'd the picture thing go?

Location - I may have missed this blog but have we found a new location for the ceremony? or are we still having it at OUC with the reception?

Bachlor Party

Hey... i have no problem with a joint party, if that's what you guys want to do... Anyone else have a strong opinion on the subject?

So if we do go in that direction, should I coordinate something with he maid of honor?... I forget who that is...

Saturday, March 12, 2005

ok, i have some ideas on the music department, i was thinking along the lines of some cool jazz, not all slow of course, i know lots of jazz artists (seeing as im a massive music nerd:P) and i think alot of them would be perfect, ill try and burn a before-cd so you all can preview it when we're driving around in kelowna looking for bridesmaid dresses. Oh yes, and i think the chicken sounds fine, hopefully keira can get the salmon for her because she very much dislikes chicken. now, forgive me if im calling you the wrong name...nolan is it whos coming down this weekend? lol if its not im sorry but thats really exciting, have either you or matt thought about what kind of pose you want to do? and has everyone givin a picture to go into the program? dont forget!!! I saw some good dresses at bryans last night so we should stop there sometime on saturday...anywhos, keira book that place that you havnt yet!!! (Cant remeber that name either...) we need to figure out how to get the grandmas up a steep hill....any ideas? i was thinking maybe having dad whip up together a longer wide set of stairs to lay over top of the hill, but thats all i got, get back to me on it:)

The Missing Links

Look to the left, you'll see I added a links section with those sites I gave you in February. I'll probably add more links later on.

Just Flew in from Winfield and Man are my Arms Tired

Ahhhh, thanks for the shot of testosterone Dave. Are you coming up on Friday or Saturday?

We don't go out much in Kelowna (or anywhere) but there's a comedy club there that both of us are dying to go to (hint hint). Matt says we should just do a joint one. Not that it's up to us, of course.

Kirsten: no prob, Bob. That's what I'm here for! I didn't know anything about this wedding stuff to begin with either. Festivals etc. yes, but weddings are very different. Now, wading through these exploits has made me a veritable pro.

Friday, March 11, 2005

girly stuff

Keira I just wanted to thank you sooo much for all the help you have been. You have been such a great bridesmaid. I know that I"m not getting married for 4 months but it really helps that I know that I can count on you. I love how you have stepped in and asked if you could help setting up chairs and decorating.. I will be asking you and amy to join me picking wild and homegrown daisies for our wedding and we will also be having a picnic, kinda romantic girly stuff. I think that it is wonderful that you seem really interested in making me feel special on my wedding day. You are actually going out of your way to make sure things will go smoothly. Thank you for all of your ideas. God I don't think we could have put together a wedding without you since neither me or Drew have actually been to a wedding. we didn't know what a reception was until you explained the whole process to us.. thanks you for all of your patience.
you are a good person

Thursday, March 10, 2005

The Man Show

Ok Men... I've received a report that this blog has become too girly, so we have to ugly it up a bit.

I'll let you know what I'm up to... Next weekend I'm headin up to visit the happy couple and shoot some photos for the invitaions and get to know Keira a bit more, seeing as I only met her the once.

The batchlor party is happening the Thursday before the wedding. Its just going to be a few of us and no strippers, but I promise it'll be as much fun as one can have on a Thursday night. If anyone who lives in the area can help me out by letting know where the places to be are in Kelowna or Vernon are, that be cool... I'll take care of all the props, games, transportation, etc.

I hear tuxedo info is on it's way soon. I don't know what else we have to discuss... What kind of flowers do you guys think are pretty?..... just kidding.

- Dave

The Neverending Story (thanks sugar for the title)

I talked it over with Matt and I think we're going to do the chicken. Sure, the wedding is supposed to be about what we want, but realistically it's not. It's about trying to keep everybody content so they don't hurt our feelings by complaining, being antisocial or leaving early.

I talked to the Reverend today and he had an idea for a place; it's an orchard tea room where he is marrying another couple but they're not having the reception there. I'll call tomorrow. Also I called the Welcome Wagon lady and she knows of a place here in Winfield that isn't advertised.

Anyway we're meeting with the Rev. on Monday to make a ceremony plan. He said he has lots of ideas. Hooray!

PS I asked about doing part-salmon part-chicken a month ago. The caterer said no; people will take one of each and the food will run out halfway through. An events coordinator myself, I know he's right. People are fools.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

DoNt Get TOOO StReSSeD CuZ...WeRe HeRe FoR Ya...

Hello there everyone....well....just a quick response to everything....Keira if u CAN do the 1/2 salmon, 1/2 chicken, try that....but if its a big hassel....just do salmon and the people who dont like it, dont eat the meat portion, thats totally up to them........ur planning everything else and the food is the LAST thing you want to worry for location...i heard that there was a park near or on BELGO that is nice...has had weddings before...its NOT belgo park..maybe check with someone that knows the area a little better...but one of my clients was telling me about this little park and its in rutland area so its NOT far from ouc at all to commence to the reception.......thats really all i can think of......i have NO backyard to lend you, if i did i would....and i dont really know of anyone else here for mani's and pedi's i know its a LAST min thing...keira do you just want me to give you a pedicure? or wut? and anyone else let me know cause two can go at a time....and i'll need to book them asap....and if no one wants one dont worry about it, i'm not offended....less work for me! lol.....and key, wut day would u like this one...friday?

ok well i'll be away from this from thurs-sun, so hopefully there isn't TOO much to catch up on! lol just kidding....take care......dont worry keira and matt, EVERYTHING will work out FINE.........
Love Ya


argh everytime I type this out and try to post it an error happens. So of fear of it happening again I"ll keep this short and to the point..
Keira have salmon. It doesn't make sence not to have salmon. Its your wedding not everyone eles. As you know we are having salmon at my wedding and I know for a fact that about half doesn't even like salmon. Gramma detests it. and my mom HATES spinach and I love it. So I"m having spinach salad. Remember that this wedding is about you and Matt. not about everyone eles. It seems like this wedding is turning more like a thing for bridesmaids and guests. I know that its nice to keep everyone happy. trust me I'm going threw the same thing.. but you have to relize you can't and wont make everyone happy. So if you can't make everyone happy you should at least be happy.
I know its only food. But you have planned on having salmon from the start. It seems silly to have to balance this out as well as the rest of the wedding.. If you just stuck to the original plan then there would be less to worry about.
Hey and your registry is amazing! I can't believe that you could find so much stuff at such great prices.. I'm sure you'll get everything off your list!

Things change and time Progresses

So the location may change, we don't know because we can't find any new locations. I have been looking at websites and the only thing i found nice was The Rose Garden, but i don't think it will work, i don't remember why, i think it is too far out of town. I had the idea of a bible camp which usually have outside areas and halls, but we have to book those ahead of time. Bed and Breakfast locations, Back yards and such, does anyone know a nice location, someones backyard in kelowna, with a flat terrain and a nice place to to be married at? Im trying to help as well, i wonder why we cant just talk those construction workers to slack off for an what luck. about the food situation, i like salmon, i guess Keira and i are the only ones, i was thinking if there is enough, maybe half Salmon lovers, half chicken lovers, why not have both? the bride and groom should be the happiest people at this wedding as far as i'm concerned, so Keira, have what you want to have, and if it is possible add a bit for the picky ones. Im sorry to hear that things aren't running smoothly, please deligate some tasks to me if you need me to do something i am here, remember i have the connections to come out even if i don't have a car working, i will do my best as long as work and school are under control. love you and hope all runs smoother from now till the big day,

Funky Chicken

Thank you Kirsten, for that blog and then for sending me some ideas about music. I appreciate it; I really don't even listen to music and seriously have no idea what's out there. I can burn the cds myself, I just need to know what songs are danceable. If anyone else knows a song or two I'd be so thankful if you would tell me.

I called a lady and booked a cake, so that's off the list! I never met with her or saw her cakes but the florist said she was good. The thought of going from bakery to bakery by myself was too depressing. Anyway it's a white cake with real strawberries inside; hopefully it looks good.

Apparently nobody likes salmon (?!), so maybe we'll do chicken. Does everyone like chicken? If I get some positive feedback on that I'll call the caterer and finalize. What kind of sauce would we want (having not eaten chicken in 12 years I have no idea what goes on it)? If everyone hates the chicken idea we could do roast beef, and I'll have to have a separate meal made for me.


Hey Keira I just wanted to say that I am sorry about all of this shit happening. Even though I wont be at the wedding I was wondering if I can make the cd's? Are you haveing someone there or putting music over a sterio? If you are then I'm happy to say that I"m sure we have most music that you want. Drew has an huge extensive music collection since he is a musician and if we dont' have it we can download it. I can send you our your cd's within a wekk or two.. if you would like e-mail me a list of music that you want to play and if you want it in any order and stuff like that. I'll do anything eles you want me to as well. Dave could likely do this but I could also get a big pic of you and matt for the door of the reception.. or get you a guest book ready or anything you like.. I'm ready to do anything and send anything you want to you. good luck.. I love you

The rest of the stuff

Angela is a friend of ours from the last few years and half of Ang&Bryce. They will be at the wedding. Tanya, you know her; Erin, you met her at my birthday dinner. She was so helpful when I said that we lost our location, she even called places and got details.

You guys can get whatever kind of shoes you like from wherever you like; I only mentioned payless becuase somebody asked.

I got a good quote back from the florist, now I have to go and see a sample and then that part is done. Does anyone want to come? The flowers are not daisies; that conversation was about Kirsten's flowers. I asked about her flowers on her blog and she responded on mine.

The bubbles are for folks to blow after the ceremony (you know, like instead of throwing rice). I doubt we'll be allowed to blow them inside becuase there is food and they'll make sticky marks on the walls and floors.

Tanya, good luck with your car. I hope things go smoothly and inexpensively.

Because of this ceremony crisis and passport issues, we're way behind now. So if you want to know what's left to do, go to that big list I made awhile ago cause the only things crossed off are the florist and making boquets (not needed). And add find location.

Yesterday we registered; you can get the list from the Bay in any city or online. You can find it using either of our names.

The mani/pedi/hair conversation has been going on for a crazy amount of time. Those of you who want your hair done on the big day please tell me, and I'll book the salon right away. Sorry, I can't remember who said what before because it was so spaced out. And those of us who want manis and/or pedis tell Erin so that she can book her salon for that. Erin, count me in for both please. I hope I'm not offending anyone, it's just that with only 2 months and no firm location, no ceremony plan, invitations, music, etc, etc, it's disheartening to me that manicures and that stuff seems to be the main conversation.


I think there's some confusion about the ceremony location issue, so here's everything I know: some of the buildings are under construction and so it will be noisy. The grounds are small and other spots would still be noisy. The farthest area is booked anyway. I asked the OUC coordinator if they could stop constuction for an hour and she said no, but that she would get the constuction schedule and get back to me. So far she has not heard back from the constuctors. Our rain backup location is one of the buildings actually under construction. Sam, I don't know who the company is but I can drive by later; wouldn't it be something if it was yours?

Our criteria are simply that the location be available, nice, and accessible to my grandmas, who can't really walk. I spent all week and Matt and I spent all weekend looking up, looking at, and asking about alternate locations but to no avail. I guess we'll have to just give up, stay with OUC and pray that the ceremony isn't horrible and tacky.

Monday, March 07, 2005

74 DAYS! WOW! sooo Exciting!

Hello all! how is EVERYONE.....well i am good...busy but i took another look at those dresses in la chateau today...they are NICE.....dark royale blue with a tinge of sparkle to it......short, kinda ripply top (boob holder) and spagetti straps......very cute...havn't tried it on to see how it looks on myself....but we'll see if sam can find those in van, then let us know wut you think, otherwise w'ell have to wait....oh and they are on sale right now for $ ya....let me know.....i agree with sam about the location..i am sure ouc will be fine.....who is angela? hahahaha well other then that.....i can arrange a spa pedi at $29.95 each so its up to you guys.....its not necessary....i'd rather wear opened toed shoes i hate whereing closed toes with a dress.........and wut shoes at payless are we talking bout? we dont need the same ast keira....thats kinda tacky i think.....honestly WAL MART has really cute dressy sandles that are probably perfect.....PS I LOVE WALMART! ur the MC eh? thats kew kew....i'd like to know if there is anything that you guys want me to do, just let me know cause i am pretty clueless in all this here.....but i should to you soon

n e ways keep bloggin talk to you lata

Scary Stuff!!

So 74 day's till the big night before, crazy i agree. Keira, did you hear back from the flower lady, and did you look into the baker she suggested? remember we can go tasting some time if you like. News that i didn't reveal before...My car broke the day i got home from the last visit to Kelowna, i think it is my fuel pump. so i am relying on friends here in Kamloops to fix my car so i can still make trips out, and it wont cost me $400 plus to fix by a professional. I hope soon i will be able to make another visit soon. Work as been hounding me as well to work more (Footlocker and Zack's). Definatly a stressful time of year, but i am still very willing to be of survice in any way; if push comes to shove, rent a car is always an option. Location: Is there any new developments on location. I think Sam's idea about just another area at OUC might be a good option, there is alot of outside court areas and such isn't there? i can't quite remember.Anyways, keep on blogin'

74 days till the night before......

Does it scare anyone to see the actual number of days til the night before the "Big Day"?? Teehee.....
Key & Matt did you finish registering for your gifts?? To everyone else- there isn't a registry number that you will need just look up 'Keough' on the wedding registries at the Bay.
Time- Key & Matt did you want to have a 4:00 pm wedding? I thought it was earlier for some reason...maybe not....does it really stay light until 9:00 pm is I don't remember anything...or maybe just forgot was the sunshine was like. Remeber that even if the sun doesn't set until 9ish...if it is a rainy day it will be dark at like 5pm. Something to think about.
Erin - Yes, I am going to do a speech/reading...I am also going to do the MC-ing....Let's totally talk about doing a little skit or speech toghether.
Key & Matt - Do you have an up-to-date "To Do" list?????
Are people starting to register for rooms?? I registered for mine mid last week. yay!

Anyways keep on blogging!

Let's all remember to breathe.........

Hello everyone:
I'll start off by saying yes Keira...people still come on here...we're just slow! Haha!
I wouldn't worry to much about the ceremony location......I'm sure there is an area on campus that we can hold the ceremony without any disruption, like Angela said (by the way who is Angela?) she can have the construction workers doing something less noisey during a couple both myself and Keira's dad stated IF it rains you're going to want to have a back-up plan....Key & Matt - were you ever thinking about getting married in a Church before this??? From the perspective of someone who works in the Construction field - I have to say that yes we can be unpredictable, noisey, and messy but we can also be normal human beings that totally understand. Do you know what construction company it is? If it's mine (we have an office in Kelowna)...I'll through in a hint.
Keira - Didn't you already buy the bubbles for the kissing???? Are they returnable? I still love the bubble idea, the story idea is good but do you think it will take away from the toasts and readings at all??? Just a question.
Music~ I love Frankie & Co. idea....and for after dinner just have a mix of stuff that Keira and Matt'll probably be easier for them to make a list of the music they don't like and then go from there. Who is making the CD's??
Flowers- Daises are very simple but an awesome this a for sure thing Key?
Shoes- Are we definately going with the shoes at Payless?? What do they look like? Should all the bridesmaids get them now in case they aren't still being sold in 2 1/2 weeks when I come up?
Dress- Did we decide on the bridesmaid dresses?? I still haven't gone to look at LeChateau yet...what does the dress look like? Maybe I will go this Friday.
Mani's,Pedi's & Hair - I am totally in for the hair thing! As for mani's and pedi's..I'm not really into manicures all I wear on my fingers is clear for my pedi's I get mine done here every 3 months...if it's cheaper I'll wait and get it done at Erin's salon....what are the prices like Erin?? Are the shoes open or closed toes??? If they are closed...why are we all getting pedi's done??

Sunday, March 06, 2005


Hey did you finnish your registry?
Tell us your registry number.

Daisies Part 2

Hey keira,
Well I didn't know if you wanted me to post this on my blog or on yours. So I"ll put it on your so someone posts something on your blog.
Daisies come in a bunch of different colours. and if you want them a certian clour you put food colouring in the water and they suck it up and turn that clour. best to do that on white daisies. We are going to have white daisies at our wedding. I like them more than yellow. We will also be having different colour sweet peas to go with them. Hopefully you'll help me make bouquets with them. I want to have the sweet peas for bouquets and the daisies for the tables. Mom planted the daisies last summer so hopefully we will have a good bunch for the wedding. I'm getting so excited. I haven't even talked to my bestfriends for almost a year.. I soooo can't wait to see you guys! This will be the best wedding ever! I'll just walk around all teary just to see everyone i love.


Does anyone read this anymore?

Friday, March 04, 2005


I just talked to Andrea from OUC again and she said she is waiting to hear back from the constuction guys about their scedule. She said they will definately be working that day but maybe they will be doing something quieter like painting as opposed to jackhammering. Still, experience tells me not to trust a constuction schedule.

My dad pointed out something horrifying: even if we find some nice park to do the ceremony in; what do we do if it rains? At OUC we had a backup plan but it's in one of the buildings that they will actually be constructing.

Ang, I forgot to mention that we called the Gray Monk and they won't let us do just the ceremony there. Thanks so much for looking into these things.

Location, Location, Location

Wow Angela, you're the queen! Remember though that we only need a spot for the ceremony, not the reception. Cheesed as I am about these buggity things that keep happening, I have to still admit that it's the perfect location. Matt doesn't want to move the reception. Also, it's been booked and I've made the downpayment. Also, our entire theme was built around that location. But the thing that's most important is that everyone has cheap accomodation right there on sight. Unfortunately, I can't trust everyone not to drink and drive so this was the number one reason I wanted to be at OUC.

We were originally going to book the whole wedding with the Guisachan, but at the last minute we booked OUC instead for the theme/accomodation reasons. P.S. Don't let the $3500 mislead you; by the time you add taxes, gratuities, extras like wine on the tables etc, flowers, and other stuff that isn't included like photography, officiant, etc, etc, etc, It's something more like $7 or $8 grand.


We don't want our pictures in front of the setting sun; I was just trying to find out if we had a 4:00 wedding would it be too dark for pictures afterward (5-6). It really doens't get dark until 9:00 in May? That's awesome.

I scrambled all afternoon to find us a place but to no avail. I'm calling the welcome wagon lady today to see if she has recommendations. We talked about a noon wedding at Benvoulin but it's just not going to work; not only is there alot of pressure in the morning and a lot of driving around from place to place, but there would be like a 4-4.5 hour gap between the ceremony and reception. Where would people go and what would they do for that long? What would I do in my wedding dress? The timing would make us starving for lunch right afterwards but there's no way I'd go to a restaurant in my wedding gown.

Kirsten, I buy my own dress; bridesmaids always do. That's why you ask someone to be your bridesmaid; she has to be okay with spending some time and money. Any ideas about what you want us to wear?


Well I did some resurch on your sunset delema and found out thatthe sun will set at 8:46 pm so that meands around 8:50ish 8:55ish it will be dark. but the sunset comes about 5-10 min before the sun starts to fall. so you have 15-20 min to get photos taken infront of the sunset.
Now I'm not sure about what you have planned about where to do the wedding. You said that that church could book you in for 12:30.I think that it may wake up at 8 have a good healthy breakfast then book your makeup for 9.. or the girls can get there makup done at 9. so likely by 10ish you should be done makup. it only takes about a halfhour to do hair. but book it for an hour so now you are looking at 11. I read the stuff on the church and you can only use it for 2 hours. and that includes 1/2 hour before the wedding. so you still have and hour before you can actually get into the church to decorate it. that gices you enough time to get into your dress and stuff. Even if you hate the idea of a noon wedding I"m so positive that someone will thnk of something. you have a million bridesmaids that have a million ideas. I'm sure that someone is bound to throw you an idea that is great. This is just a minor set back. Ooooh and I love the sound of yor flowers. I wish I was getting a florest. oh and one last thing. Bridesmaids buy there own dresses right?

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck

I called OUC and they said there will be construction going on the day of the wedding. They will reduce the price of the ceremony location, but so what? As if we'd have a shitty ceremony that no one could hear just to save money. So we've got to find somewhere else for the ceremony pretty fucking fast and good luck to us. The extra costs for bringing in speakers and nice tables were worth it, but now I'm starting to really wonder about this place. Fuck!

Wedding Team Sugar

Welcome Nolan, we're so glad to hear from you! P.S. go to the archive to see all past messages. Matt will figure out the Tux situation for you guys soon. Poor Matt, he's working and taking six 3rd and 4th year classes, and he insists on an A in every one.

I agree with everyone on the music stuff; let's do Franky and Co. for dinner and other stuff for dancing. But what? No Shania Twain, she makes me barf.

Gals: I assumed you'd get shoes at Payless. Erin, was that dress in Le Chateau dark blue, short and with little shimmers in it? Tanya likes that one too, and I know Bill will. So if Sam goes to her local Le Chateau and likes it then we might actually have found the dress already. Or, two of you could get that one and two get a light blue one from somewhere.

Nails and other stuff like that should be done at Erin's Salon the day before the wedding; no way should we try to squeeze hair, manis, pedis, makeup etc. all on the day of the wedding. For the hair, I told my hairdresser here in Winfield that she could do it.

Oh, Erin's blog gave me an idea about the kissing thing! I don't think we'll be able to blow bubbles inside since there is food, and also since it might muck up the walls/floors a bit. And people probably won't sing. Why don't people tell a story/memory about us to make us kiss? Seems easy, since we purposely invited only people who know us well (for the mostpart) and it can even be as quick as "when Matt was a baby he never learned to crawl, he went straight to walking" PS that story is true.

Oh please, no stories about extrememe drunkeness, sluttiness or projectile vomiting!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Hummmm....LOTS to READ!!!

Hello Everyone....Welcome Nolan....nice to meet you...well i guess not officially...but you know what i mean! lol.....So i dont check this thing ONE day and there is TONS to read and reflect on! where to start.....

So....saturday the 26th is THE LADIES DATE for bridesmaid shoppin...i hope we can get everything done on that day........and shoes are a good idea too but NOTHING too too fancy or expensive......i'm thinking of something we can wear again u know.....and same with the dresses....we dont want fancy fancy do we? cause then half of us wont wear them again.....but tis up to Key! she's the lady! i did however see a really nice blueish dress in la chateau that was on sale for $39.99 but i am sure it'll be gone...thats all the luck i have had with finding dresses while out shopping.....hope we have WAY better luck....i'll keep my eye out!

as for the whole staying over night......i am pretty sure i'll just be coming home as i dont live far at all.......and if rob doesnt drive me then we'll cab it! i'm like 5 min from North Campus.... for speeches....seems like u wanna do some sort of reading......YOU AND I should chat and come up with some STORIES FROM THE PAST.....and we'll both get up there and chit chat on the mic! and maybe Dave or Nolan can do the same about matt, as we dont know too much about him.....i think that'd be a good idea cause you, key and myself pretty much spent our summers together and i'm sure we can think of some TAME interesting stories that arn't too harmfull! hehehehe

Mani's, Pedi's ,Hair---> well i'm up for anything really......but my salon does offer all of the keep that in mind and i could get us GOOD prices......

i agree the car thing isn't as IMPORTANT as it would be for a FORMAL wedding....such as gettin a limo....hehehe

not too sure when the sunsets......its been so long! (CANT WAIT TILL SUMMER)

MUSIC---> keira i'll remind rob to talk to his brother about the speaker system....and i agree with sam......classical, franky and all that is great dinner music, but if people wanna dance swing is good but too much of it gets a mix of everything would be great

n e ways KIDDO'S.....i'm off to bed so keep on to you soon



Isn't it funny how much there is to think about? Like the exact time of sunset. I was laughing out loud and just had to point it out.

Night and Day....You are the One....

Wow the Almanac says the sun will set at 8:46 that night. It must mean that's when it's fully dark, right? The moon rises at 6:36; does that mean it's dark then? Does anyone remember when it gets darkish on Maylong, or have some idea how to figure it out?

Invites part 2

Oh crap I forgot that the time will need to be on the invitations too. I was thinking 4:00 so there's not a huge period of time before dinner. But I have to find out somehow when the sun sets in May cause that might not give us enough time for pics (we'll leave an hour just to be safe). Anyway we'll get on that ASAP.

: )

ok, so i think im all caught up, i took saturday the 26th off aswell, now all we need is for tanya to take that date off too and then we will be all set (tanya if you already did take that off and i just didnt see thats awesome!) but anyways, you dont have to know specific steps to be a swing dancer, you just dance! thats the glory of can dance like an idiot and you wont look as bad :) but yes, must read more and see what i need to question.


We are 100% open to suggestions, after all you are the professional artist! They should go out very soon; most people know the date already but they need the room rental form that I'll send with it.
Info: We are the invitors, the date is Sat May 21, at Okanagan University College North Campus, 3333 University WayKelowna, BC . RSVP by phone at (250) 766-4319.


Just a note about invitations, I had the same thought about scrolls being difficult to mail... but I have some other ideas, if you're open to suggestions...

When do they need to be sent out?


Please call and book your dorm rooms as soon as possible. There isn't a due-date for that but the rooms could fill up. They really are an amazing deal (rooms start at $30 including breakfast) and useful becuase nobody has to drive anywhere. If you haven't got the pricelist/phone number from me let me know and i'll send it.


Never fear, there will not be lilacs at the wedding. In fact I'm quite certain there aren't even any lilac bushes in the viscinity. I told the florist what colours I want and she will choose the types of flowers, since I like 'em all.

Fact of the day: wedding registries are always under the bride's name; Keira Keough for those of you who don't know (haha). We'll go and finish the registry this weekend.

We have a rain backup for the ceremony. As far as pictures, not yet. We're either doing the pictures where we already are, or else at a mountainy/lake area that's really close by. We haven't seen it yet; the photographer told us about it. So I'm not sure if there's a rain backup there.

I'm not sure about the car thing either. Since I'm not a cool car person, I just figured we would use one of our own cars to get our hairdos and go to the ceremony. Then the only other travelling is for the pictures. Is anyone interested in this car thing? After the reception, Matt and I will take a cab and you guys will be staying at the dorms, right?.

Sam, I figured you would like to speak. Charles Dickens is my favourite author but I definately want you to choose whatever you feel is right. We want what you say to reflect how you feel about us, whether that's silly or serious or what. This wedding is about celebrating and having a good time, not about being formal and doing these exact speeches and having these exact flowers, etc. So whatever you want to say, we will be delighted.

I'm A Survivor!

Hello Wedding Team!
I can't believe how many blogs have been posted since my last entry. Wow, excellent work, I'm glad to see everything is going so smoothly. Now to answer some questions:
* Girls - Not really into getting a manicure or pedicure....I already get one done every 3 months. Maybe we can look into a salon that does mani,pedi and hair so that we can all hang out in the same place.
*-Speeches......As nervous as I will be I would love to do a little speech or a reading. Key or Matt do you have a favourite poet?? or do you trust me to pick something on my own?
*-Easter Weekend- Looking forward to getting together with the girls to go dress shopping! Are we purchasing shoes etc also that day? Key- Do you have an approx budget for dresses etc?
*-Strippers - Of course no strippers oh gross...who wants to see naked people shaking! Hahahaha We'll make sure to stick to clowns and circus freaks instead! Kidding!
*-Security- I think the wedding party will be divided into 2....the Keough girls are in charge of the Drunken Keough Clan (hence the fact that I am sitting at the end of the head table close to those who need protectiion)....the boys are in charge of the Garcia family.
*-Decorations- Let's do this also on Easter weekend...that way we can coordinate the colour of the dresses and school/library theme with the decorations
*-Bubbles to Kiss- Love the idea! Key didn't you already buy them???
*-Food- I love to eat so if we need to I will go food testing when I am up at Easter...keep it in mind
*-Music- I think a mix of music would be a great idea....stuff like Frank Sinatra etc is excellent during dinner or even after cause most of the adults/grandparents love that stuff. As for Swing music it's fun but maybe minimalize the amount of it...not many people can swing.
*-Invitations- Dave/Key - are you mailing these? If so, the scroll idea won't work...just a thought
*-Have you found a polaroid camera yet? If you are still wanting to do this you'll need to find someone who can work a camera hahaha
*-Hotel Rooms - When are we suppose to book by? Who else is staying there?
*-Wedding Party/Bride & Groom Photos- Do we have a location for rain or shine??
*-Guys- Great to see you involved in the Blog
*-Maid Of Honour - Woohoo!! We're all maid of honours how sweet is that!
*-Registry- Who's name is your Registry at the Bay under?? Keough or Garcia?

On a personal note~ Just wanted to let everyone know that things are insane in my life right now so if I'm not on a lot or responding to blogs as quick as I use to give me time or e-mail me.

A little bit of ________in my life!!

Has Nolan joined Blog yet??? If not....Matt/Dave convince him too!

Jill/Key- Table cloths don't need to be super fancy but cheap plastic ones would be awful....see if you two can find something in the between.

Key/Matt- Have you gone used/school book shopping yet? How are you going to bind them?? You can probably buy cheap leather belts at Value Village or something.

Transportation- Jill I love your idea about the '57 Ford...but where exactly are we travelling to/from? Key is there a lot of driving to be done?

Flowers are Pretty...Unless.....

Just a reminder that I am allergic to they can not be at the Wedding...I know how Key likes them but unless we want to make this a wedding in the hospital I would recommend other beautiful Spring flowers!!

They're soo many too choose from!! (Hint-Hint)

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Keira I just wanted you to know that I have decided to have bridesmaids! So yeah have any ideas on what I should get bridesmaids to do?? Oooh and lucky you gets to do a speech. It doesn't have to be long. Excited?