Monday, March 07, 2005

Scary Stuff!!

So 74 day's till the big night before, crazy i agree. Keira, did you hear back from the flower lady, and did you look into the baker she suggested? remember we can go tasting some time if you like. News that i didn't reveal before...My car broke the day i got home from the last visit to Kelowna, i think it is my fuel pump. so i am relying on friends here in Kamloops to fix my car so i can still make trips out, and it wont cost me $400 plus to fix by a professional. I hope soon i will be able to make another visit soon. Work as been hounding me as well to work more (Footlocker and Zack's). Definatly a stressful time of year, but i am still very willing to be of survice in any way; if push comes to shove, rent a car is always an option. Location: Is there any new developments on location. I think Sam's idea about just another area at OUC might be a good option, there is alot of outside court areas and such isn't there? i can't quite remember.Anyways, keep on blogin'

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