Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I'm A Survivor!

Hello Wedding Team!
I can't believe how many blogs have been posted since my last entry. Wow, excellent work, I'm glad to see everything is going so smoothly. Now to answer some questions:
* Girls - Not really into getting a manicure or pedicure....I already get one done every 3 months. Maybe we can look into a salon that does mani,pedi and hair so that we can all hang out in the same place.
*-Speeches......As nervous as I will be I would love to do a little speech or a reading. Key or Matt do you have a favourite poet?? or do you trust me to pick something on my own?
*-Easter Weekend- Looking forward to getting together with the girls to go dress shopping! Are we purchasing shoes etc also that day? Key- Do you have an approx budget for dresses etc?
*-Strippers - Of course no strippers oh gross...who wants to see naked people shaking! Hahahaha We'll make sure to stick to clowns and circus freaks instead! Kidding!
*-Security- I think the wedding party will be divided into 2....the Keough girls are in charge of the Drunken Keough Clan (hence the fact that I am sitting at the end of the head table close to those who need protectiion)....the boys are in charge of the Garcia family.
*-Decorations- Let's do this also on Easter weekend...that way we can coordinate the colour of the dresses and school/library theme with the decorations
*-Bubbles to Kiss- Love the idea! Key didn't you already buy them???
*-Food- I love to eat so if we need to I will go food testing when I am up at Easter...keep it in mind
*-Music- I think a mix of music would be a great idea....stuff like Frank Sinatra etc is excellent during dinner or even after cause most of the adults/grandparents love that stuff. As for Swing music it's fun but maybe minimalize the amount of it...not many people can swing.
*-Invitations- Dave/Key - are you mailing these? If so, the scroll idea won't work...just a thought
*-Have you found a polaroid camera yet? If you are still wanting to do this you'll need to find someone who can work a camera hahaha
*-Hotel Rooms - When are we suppose to book by? Who else is staying there?
*-Wedding Party/Bride & Groom Photos- Do we have a location for rain or shine??
*-Guys- Great to see you involved in the Blog
*-Maid Of Honour - Woohoo!! We're all maid of honours how sweet is that!
*-Registry- Who's name is your Registry at the Bay under?? Keough or Garcia?

On a personal note~ Just wanted to let everyone know that things are insane in my life right now so if I'm not on a lot or responding to blogs as quick as I use to give me time or e-mail me.

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