Sunday, March 20, 2005

Tanya here!

Sorry everyone for disappearing. Been working like crazy, and school stuff. Good news bridesmaids....i got the Saturday off work, it took some prying but i got it off. I will be heading into the area Friday night so i will be able to show up early for 9:00am on Saturday for the shopping. i remember something before about a picture of myself, i will try to find something, i don't recall what the picture is for, but i will try to find it and bring it with me on the 26th. I would like to get my hair done the same day that all of the other girls are getting theirs done, so sign me up if it is not too late, if it is, i am more than capable myself. i'm excited about the new location, i hope Keira and Matt can find it and book it. good luck with everything else. i check the blog regularly, so if you need me, just ask:)

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