Sunday, March 06, 2005

Daisies Part 2

Hey keira,
Well I didn't know if you wanted me to post this on my blog or on yours. So I"ll put it on your so someone posts something on your blog.
Daisies come in a bunch of different colours. and if you want them a certian clour you put food colouring in the water and they suck it up and turn that clour. best to do that on white daisies. We are going to have white daisies at our wedding. I like them more than yellow. We will also be having different colour sweet peas to go with them. Hopefully you'll help me make bouquets with them. I want to have the sweet peas for bouquets and the daisies for the tables. Mom planted the daisies last summer so hopefully we will have a good bunch for the wedding. I'm getting so excited. I haven't even talked to my bestfriends for almost a year.. I soooo can't wait to see you guys! This will be the best wedding ever! I'll just walk around all teary just to see everyone i love.

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