Thursday, March 10, 2005

The Neverending Story (thanks sugar for the title)

I talked it over with Matt and I think we're going to do the chicken. Sure, the wedding is supposed to be about what we want, but realistically it's not. It's about trying to keep everybody content so they don't hurt our feelings by complaining, being antisocial or leaving early.

I talked to the Reverend today and he had an idea for a place; it's an orchard tea room where he is marrying another couple but they're not having the reception there. I'll call tomorrow. Also I called the Welcome Wagon lady and she knows of a place here in Winfield that isn't advertised.

Anyway we're meeting with the Rev. on Monday to make a ceremony plan. He said he has lots of ideas. Hooray!

PS I asked about doing part-salmon part-chicken a month ago. The caterer said no; people will take one of each and the food will run out halfway through. An events coordinator myself, I know he's right. People are fools.

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