Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Things change and time Progresses

So the location may change, we don't know because we can't find any new locations. I have been looking at websites and the only thing i found nice was The Rose Garden, but i don't think it will work, i don't remember why, i think it is too far out of town. I had the idea of a bible camp which usually have outside areas and halls, but we have to book those ahead of time. Bed and Breakfast locations, Back yards and such, does anyone know a nice location, someones backyard in kelowna, with a flat terrain and a nice place to to be married at? Im trying to help as well, i wonder why we cant just talk those construction workers to slack off for an hour.....man what luck. about the food situation, i like salmon, i guess Keira and i are the only ones, i was thinking if there is enough, maybe half Salmon lovers, half chicken lovers, why not have both? the bride and groom should be the happiest people at this wedding as far as i'm concerned, so Keira, have what you want to have, and if it is possible add a bit for the picky ones. Im sorry to hear that things aren't running smoothly, please deligate some tasks to me if you need me to do something i am here, remember i have the connections to come out even if i don't have a car working, i will do my best as long as work and school are under control. love you and hope all runs smoother from now till the big day,

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