Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Groomsmen, Don't Skip This Blog

Actually, Kopje park is booked as of just now. Believe it or not, the parks lady and I have missed each other every time, and we've been leaving messages on each others' machines for days. So today I purposely stayed home just to catch her call. I did, and now I feel sooooo good. I won't actually know the cost until April, but oh well.

Anyway the park is a good half-hour out of town, maybe more. But, it's fabulous. Now that we have the location, here are some new considerations:
  • We'll have to send out maps
  • Dad will use his truck to transport the chairs & table. We'll have to keep them till the next day. Yes, that will cost extra
  • We do need a couple people to set up the chairs and then pack them up again after. That should be easy, there are only like 25. Groomsmen?
  • We're having the ceremony at the heritage house, but it won't be open yet. So there's nowhere for anyone to get ready or hide.
  • That means I'll have to hide out somewhere else (with the bridesmaids?) and once everyone is seated: arrive, get out of the car and down the aisle
  • Picking up things from Kelowna might be too much of a squeeze for Erin. I think the men should do it. Men: do you have any plans for that day?

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