Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Here's where I think we stand...if there is any changes...let me know!
  • Speeches - Me & Dave so far - would anyone else like to?
  • Invites - Dave is going to Winfield/Kelowna this weekend to do photos etc. Besides that how are they coming?
  • Nolan- Are you doing a speech or ice breaker game?
  • Ice Breakers - Jill & Jody are doing something - anyone else?
  • Pre-Wedding Parties - Dave is doing Matt's, I am working on Key's with help from ALL the bridesmaids!
  • Bridesmaids - Please check out the websites Key gave us in February http://www.frugalbride.com/weddingparty.html
  • Flowers - Keira and Tanya have been working on this
  • Music - Kirsten and Jill to-do (think it was Rat-pack music and fun stuff)
  • Honeymoon - Matt & Key have you booked it yet or still looking around for prices etc?
  • Cake - Keira ordered a yummy cake with Strawberries!
  • Delivery of items(cake, flowers etc) - Does teh company do this or does someone from the wedding party need to? Erin are you available?
  • Bodyguards - I will take care of the Keough's - One of the guys want to watch the Garcia's? Nolan??
  • Make them Kiss - Funny stories & bubbles
  • MC - Me
  • Tux - I believe this is being set-up right now
  • Decorations - Someone needs to go with Keira to Jill's store and also Michaels or something asap! Jill gets a 25% discount so it's perfect.
  • Centerpieces - Key & Matt have you started looking for old school books and belts yet?? I can keep an eye out here just let me know what type of books you want
  • Location- Any word on location for ceremony yet?
  • Location for sleeping - Make sure you book your hotel rooms NOW! I have done mine....if you are coming from out of town this is important!
  • Food - Keira is a vegetarian I say go with Salmon...I like it and as far as I can see so does everyone else, who said they don't? Has it been finalized yet Keira?
  • Transportation - Depending on the locations we will need to find cheap transportation for the guests and wedding party - look for cheap rates or ideas
  • Key & Matt - how'd you meeting go with the Reverend on Monday?
  • Hair - I believe everyone hasn't gotten back to Keira now? Am I wrong? I think we're all in...right? Key call right away!
  • Mani/Pedi - I know Keira is in and Erin will do it at the Salon or at keira's on Friday
  • Pictures of Wedding Party - Everyone is to find a nice picture of themselves that they like and send it to Keira before APRIL 15th!

Hope this helps everyone!

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