Tuesday, March 15, 2005

This thing is SOOOO handy...

Ok...so key, and matt, i just sent a picture x 2 to both of ur gmail.com email addresses, not sure who needs them....but check that out and let me know if thats ok.....u may need to do a little cropping as the best pics of me are with rob........

key...i'll go decoration shopping with you.....just name a time, and HOPEFULLY i wont be working....maybe next monday morning if ur not busy....i work at 3.....and would like to hit the gym about 1:30ish....so let me know, also a girl i work with at the salon works at michaels, i could talk to her about a deal if u'd like...

is there gonna be a rehursal? or rehursal dinner? do we wanna set up everything on the friday night? as in decorate and everything cause we will be WAY to busy on sat.....

YES i will pick up flowers, cake or anything else needed to be picked up, just give me the place and time and i'll be there.....

Sam.....can u write me an email on wut ur planning on saying in ur speech, and or stories u may tell......i dont really know what ice breakers are, so maybe i'll do a little speach as well......but let me know sam....also let me know wut the plans are for the bridal shower/party...are we doing a joint one?

i think the transportation should be simple, most people coming to the wedding will drive their own cars to the ceremony and can transport themselves to the reception if they are at different locations, otherwise we probably need 2-3 vehicles for the wedding party....a limo(maybe not that expensive, we could check it out) http://www.ok-limo.com/index.htm i looked at this site, but it didn't give prices....so maybe check that out

so hair is a done deal.....

mani's/pedi's: keira wut time would u like to come in, i'll book it as soon as u let me know.....n e 1 else, please let me know ASAP.....we could also just do mini mani's and mini pedi's just to put polish on to match our dresses if needed....and we can do that fri night at someone's house......i'll just get a polish to match our dresses when we get them! hehehehe

www.homeandweb.com/kelowna-weddings key, check this site out, it MAY help out a bit.....

n e ways i hope this helps out a bit as well......n e questions or concerns u know how to reach me....oh and sam....about the dress, as far as i know they are STILL here at la chateau....so we'll just have to wing it when u get here.....talk to you all soon!


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