Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Never fear, there will not be lilacs at the wedding. In fact I'm quite certain there aren't even any lilac bushes in the viscinity. I told the florist what colours I want and she will choose the types of flowers, since I like 'em all.

Fact of the day: wedding registries are always under the bride's name; Keira Keough for those of you who don't know (haha). We'll go and finish the registry this weekend.

We have a rain backup for the ceremony. As far as pictures, not yet. We're either doing the pictures where we already are, or else at a mountainy/lake area that's really close by. We haven't seen it yet; the photographer told us about it. So I'm not sure if there's a rain backup there.

I'm not sure about the car thing either. Since I'm not a cool car person, I just figured we would use one of our own cars to get our hairdos and go to the ceremony. Then the only other travelling is for the pictures. Is anyone interested in this car thing? After the reception, Matt and I will take a cab and you guys will be staying at the dorms, right?.

Sam, I figured you would like to speak. Charles Dickens is my favourite author but I definately want you to choose whatever you feel is right. We want what you say to reflect how you feel about us, whether that's silly or serious or what. This wedding is about celebrating and having a good time, not about being formal and doing these exact speeches and having these exact flowers, etc. So whatever you want to say, we will be delighted.

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