Monday, March 07, 2005

Let's all remember to breathe.........

Hello everyone:
I'll start off by saying yes Keira...people still come on here...we're just slow! Haha!
I wouldn't worry to much about the ceremony location......I'm sure there is an area on campus that we can hold the ceremony without any disruption, like Angela said (by the way who is Angela?) she can have the construction workers doing something less noisey during a couple both myself and Keira's dad stated IF it rains you're going to want to have a back-up plan....Key & Matt - were you ever thinking about getting married in a Church before this??? From the perspective of someone who works in the Construction field - I have to say that yes we can be unpredictable, noisey, and messy but we can also be normal human beings that totally understand. Do you know what construction company it is? If it's mine (we have an office in Kelowna)...I'll through in a hint.
Keira - Didn't you already buy the bubbles for the kissing???? Are they returnable? I still love the bubble idea, the story idea is good but do you think it will take away from the toasts and readings at all??? Just a question.
Music~ I love Frankie & Co. idea....and for after dinner just have a mix of stuff that Keira and Matt'll probably be easier for them to make a list of the music they don't like and then go from there. Who is making the CD's??
Flowers- Daises are very simple but an awesome this a for sure thing Key?
Shoes- Are we definately going with the shoes at Payless?? What do they look like? Should all the bridesmaids get them now in case they aren't still being sold in 2 1/2 weeks when I come up?
Dress- Did we decide on the bridesmaid dresses?? I still haven't gone to look at LeChateau yet...what does the dress look like? Maybe I will go this Friday.
Mani's,Pedi's & Hair - I am totally in for the hair thing! As for mani's and pedi's..I'm not really into manicures all I wear on my fingers is clear for my pedi's I get mine done here every 3 months...if it's cheaper I'll wait and get it done at Erin's salon....what are the prices like Erin?? Are the shoes open or closed toes??? If they are closed...why are we all getting pedi's done??

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