Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The rest of the stuff

Angela is a friend of ours from the last few years and half of Ang&Bryce. They will be at the wedding. Tanya, you know her; Erin, you met her at my birthday dinner. She was so helpful when I said that we lost our location, she even called places and got details.

You guys can get whatever kind of shoes you like from wherever you like; I only mentioned payless becuase somebody asked.

I got a good quote back from the florist, now I have to go and see a sample and then that part is done. Does anyone want to come? The flowers are not daisies; that conversation was about Kirsten's flowers. I asked about her flowers on her blog and she responded on mine.

The bubbles are for folks to blow after the ceremony (you know, like instead of throwing rice). I doubt we'll be allowed to blow them inside becuase there is food and they'll make sticky marks on the walls and floors.

Tanya, good luck with your car. I hope things go smoothly and inexpensively.

Because of this ceremony crisis and passport issues, we're way behind now. So if you want to know what's left to do, go to that big list I made awhile ago cause the only things crossed off are the florist and making boquets (not needed). And add find location.

Yesterday we registered; you can get the list from the Bay in any city or online. You can find it using either of our names.

The mani/pedi/hair conversation has been going on for a crazy amount of time. Those of you who want your hair done on the big day please tell me, and I'll book the salon right away. Sorry, I can't remember who said what before because it was so spaced out. And those of us who want manis and/or pedis tell Erin so that she can book her salon for that. Erin, count me in for both please. I hope I'm not offending anyone, it's just that with only 2 months and no firm location, no ceremony plan, invitations, music, etc, etc, it's disheartening to me that manicures and that stuff seems to be the main conversation.

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